He's the one

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        "Hey guys!" I greeted Stiles and Scott who just got out of the locker room.  Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders while Scott just gave me a crooked puppy grin.

        "Of course your still team captain, you got your grades up just like Coach told you to." Stiles said patting his back reassuringly.

        "Well he didn't exactly tell me I am on the team, he said I just have to show up to try outs." Scott said.

        "We have bigger things to deal anyways, and Scott you shouldn't even have to worry probably ninety-eighth percent of guys out there probably suck." I said hoping it would light his spirits up.

        "Yeah Jenny's right, did you tell Argent?"

        "I text him but he didn't get back to me." Scott said.  Stiles and I stared at me like he was a fish on land.  Idiot.  I slapped the back of his head and Stiles followed by hitting his forearm.

        "You told him that his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?"

        "Scott you are such an idiot," I mentally face palmed right now.  This is why he needs us, because without Stiles or me then they would be in a serious pickle.  Stiles is the researcher while I fit all the pieces together, since I have better memory.

        "I didn't have enough money to call France." Scott said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

        "If you think you have money problems try paying for a MRI and another visit to the Eichen house." I sighed knowing how hard it is on our dad to keep up with the money. 

        "Another notice?"

        "Yeah, and luckily it said final." Stiles sighed.  "And what the hell are we doing here anyways?  We have like one hundred and seventy million problems, and worrying about our lacrosse player status is not one of them."

        "Hush Stiles, you still are both juniors in high school!  Live the life." I joked.

        "It is now." Scott said eeyeing the field.  Stiles and I looked at the field to see the most amazing lacrosse player ever, on the field.  He was catching the balls, (c'mon I have a dirty mind!) as the goalie.  Garrett and some other kids were throwing him the balls, the kid was just catching them super fast.  It was almost impossible.  My eyes went wide as did the other two did.  This kid was good, actually amazing.

        "Who the hell is that?" Stiles asked.  Just as he said that, he took off his helmet revealing god face himself.  I'm kidding, but this kid was just, wow!  Time just froze, he was the only one standing there.  The field was empty, just him and me.  I already know what is happening, I just don't want to admit it.  His blue eyes met mine, he smirked and watched me.  He doesn't have the effect like I do.  My wings wanted to make an 'appearance' but I forced them down.  I bit my lip already knowing I was his guardian.

        "Nice Liam, I think you may be our first freshman captain," Garrett compliments the kid.  Liam just replies with a cocky smile. 


        That is a hot name!  Plus he is very attractive, brown hair that was spiked up, built body from what I can see, and piercing blue eyes.  He, is... just... ugh!  To much to handle.

        "May be we should practice a little bit." Stiles says making me roll my eyes.  I just walk back to class, knowing I will see Liam later tonight at try outs

* * * * * * * *

        I was walking with Stiles, Scott, and Kira as Stiles kept yapping about an axe murderer.  Great another thing we have to worry about.  Why couldn't Stiles be born normal?  I laugh just thinking about Stiles being normal.

        "A family murderer axe murderer." He reminds us as we kept walking.

        "I already heard about it." Scott and I said at the same time.

        "What!  You did!  Jenny, how could you not tell me?  And I thought you were my bestest friend!" Stiles puts his hand over his heart, acting fake hurt. 

        "Easily." I responded making Kira chuckle lightly.

        "My mom called me saying she saw it on the news." We finally reached Scott's locker.

        "Great!  Let's go." Stiles says walking away.  But none of us follow.

        "Wait!  We have econ in five minutes." Scott reminds Stiles.

        "Right, like that's ever stopped us before.  Plus it is a family axe murderer for Christ sake's!  Sorry Jenny." Stiles almost yells.

        "Did you forget that your father is the town's sheriff.  They want us to stay out of it."

        "So we're not going to do anything about it!?" Stiles asked glancing at us all as if we were insane.

        "May be we should let the adults handle it." Kira said with me nodding in agreement.

        "So the three of you just want to stay here, go to class, and do normal teenage stuff?" Stiles asks in disbelief.

"        Yeah," We all said.

        He huffs in annoyance, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life.  I at least expected more from you Jenny."

        "See you in class!" Scott yells after Stiles as he just throws his arms around like a weirdo.

        "I have no clue how we are related." I muttered under my breath.

        "So you know that thing you wanted to talk about?" Scott asks Kira.


        "Can we talk later after try outs?  It won't be that long." Scott says digging through his locker.

        "Oh, I-, sure." She says hesitantly.  I raise my eyebrows but gasp at what I see happen.

        "Great, see you then," Then he does the unthinkable.  A small, peck on the lips.  Is that their first kiss?  Oh whatever that was so weak and horrible.  It even left Kira in a statue state.  I chuckled and patted her frozen shoulder.

        "Gook luck with that." Then I walked down the hallway leaving Kira. I walked to my next class wondering about what will happen at the try-outs.  I haven't' told anybody about me being his guardian.  Hopefully they won't kill Liam.

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