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        I walked out on to the lacrosse field seeing all the players already out on the field.  I looked over at the bleachers to see Kira waving her hand over for me to sit.  Smiling at her, I walked over and joined her and Malia.  "Hey," I greeted them.  Kira said hey while Malia just grunted.  Uh-oh, doing homework.  Stiles told me how Malia is doing horrible in school.  I feel kind of bad but I'm not good at school either so I don't help.  I try to spot Liam, but I can't find him. 

        Then I looked over to see the only boy not panting or taking a drink.  No, he was doing push ups not even taking a break.  Liam.  I smiled at him, he was so cute.  It's funny how I act like I've known him for years yet he hasn't even acknowledged my existence.  I look over and see Scott helping Stiles stand up.  It looks like my brother could die right there on the field.  He was dripping in sweat and panting like a dog.  Yep, that's my brother.

        "Is he even human?  What is he like a were-cheetah?  Is that even a real thing?" Stiles asks in jealousy, seeing Liam to push ups.  My gut is telling me to get up and smack Stiles for talking about Liam like that.  But I instantly cool when Malia gives me a glance.

        "I think he is just that good." I hear Scott say.  I smile brightly agreeing with him.

        "I'm gonna puke, take me somewhere." Stiles pants out letting Scott drag him over to a trash can.  I continue to stare at Liam but instantly stop when Malia says something.

        "What's wrong with you?" Malia asks Kira.

        "Me?  Nothing." Kira says quickly.

        "You reek of anxiety." I tell her while Malia nods in agreement.  "And it's distracting, what's going on?"

        Kira sighs sadly, "Scott and I had this thing happen.  It wasn't really a thing, and now I am starting to think it didn't mean anything."

        "What do you want it to be?" Malia asks.

        "More," Kira says playing with a lacrosse stick Scott gave her.  We watch Stiles try to pick up the ball.  Key word, try.  He kept fumbling making all the lacrosse players laugh.  After a while Stiles just picks up the ball and places it in his net.  He has a good throw and everything, yet sadly it ends up in the goalie's net.  Which makes everyone laugh like hyenas.  I glare at all of them, poor Stiles.

        Next was Liam, oh joy!  "May be he is only good in goal. He may be useless on the field." Stiles stated trying to cheer up Scotty.  Liam scooped up the ball, and threw it, well... Perfectly.  The goalie didn't even know Liam scored until a second later.  I stand up and cheer a little, earning a glare from all my friends.

        I blush once Liam notices me, he just smiles and winks at me.  I swear I am glowing right now, or may be I am about to faint.  Either way, I sit down and ignore Malia staring at me.  What I hear next makes me stand up again, "I hate this kid, I hate him." Stiles said.  I balled up my fists and glared at Stiles.  Malia quickly pulled me down.

        "You don't have to hate him, the team does need new players." Scott said defending Liam.  I always loved you Scott!

        "What about a new team captain?" I smile brightly thinking about Liam becoming captain.  But it falters once I realize Scott really wants the spot.  But as an angel I have to care more about Liam then Scotty sadly. 

        "Are you kidding me?" Malia asks angrily, slamming her book closed. "What is wrong with you?"

        "Me?  Pfft, nothing." I shrug it off.

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