First kiss

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        "Liam!  Don't go out there!" I yelled at him, even though I was right by his side.  I was seriously scared for Liam, he didn't know about the supernatural world around him.  Even though he is literally bound to learn about it, just not this way.  Liam doesn't even notice me, he just stared down the hallway, looking scared. 

        "Hello?" With that, a bloody teenage boy walked towards us.  His eyes were white, making him look slightly possessed.  His teeth were razor sharp, looking like a set of shark teeth.  I tugged on Liam's sleeve harder, telling him we have to run.  "How am I supposed to run?" Liam asked panicked.  When the boy was in front of us, I shoved Liam out of the way so I would get hit.  Liam landed on the floor, yelling out my name.  Surprisingly I couldn't feel anything.  I opened my eyes to see Liam yelling at me still, but no noise came out of his mouth.  The boy was dragging Liam towards the flight of stairs that led to the roof.  I wanted to follow, but my body said not to.  To stay and rest.

        The lights started to blend in with the walls making me squint my eyes, it looked like a  bright pastel painting.  My stomach started itching, my skin craving for my nails to scratch it.  I did as my skin ordered, but a hand stopped me by grabbing on to my wrists.  It was Scott.  I recognized by how large it was around my small wrist.  I looked at him to see his alpha red eyes, I wasn't used to the color yet.  I was so used to seeing the golden color.

        "Jenny what-" After that I couldn't hear anything.  His voice was substituted with an annoying ringing noise.  Every second, the ringing noise grew louder.  Making me shut my eyes.  Only for me to not open them for a while.

        "Go save him.  No matter what." I mustered up, then allowed the darkness to grab me.  Away from reality, from the pain, from life threatening decisions, and from that damn ringing noise.

* * * * * * * * * * *

        The black wall in front of me stared to fade away, like it was fake.  I don't know how long I was staring at the black wall, but it felt like ages.  Yet I wasn't bored, more like gaining energy from it.  I knew it wasn't a real wall, but I kept telling myself it was.  I couldn't think of anything else.  Just the wall.  Cracks started to reappear making a blinding white light making the dark room to bright for my sensitive eyes.  I fluttered my eyes open, only to be staring at Scott's blankets. 

        I've had to many sleep overs with them.

        The room was silent, where was Scott?  What happened to Liam?  There isn't a whole in my heart, so he's fine.  I sighed, relaxing my body against the bed.  My back blended in to the mattress.  Enjoying the silence must've been to much to ask because I heard loud movement coming from the bathroom.  Thinking it was Scott, I didn't even bother to check on him.  Then what I heard next made me sit up straight.  A muffled cry came from behind the door.

        I slowly made my way towards the door, ignoring the pain on my stomach.  I could feel the bandage and it was irritating.  The muffled cries grew louder as I twisted the door knob.  Inside the tub, was a petrified looking Liam, duct-aped, and his blue eyes were so wide making his eyes pop.  I gasp, my hands flew towards my mouth, not believing the sight in front of me.  I quickly rushed over to the side of the tub, crouching down so my face was in front of his.  My stomach hissed in pain but yet again I ignored it.  My hazel eyes looking in to his blue eyes.  "Holy shit." I whispered.  My fingers brushed over the duct-ape over his lips, till' I pulled softly on the corners. 

        Before he could scream, I slammed my lips on to his.  It was so hard to resist at that moment, he looked to good and it felt right at the moment.  On instinct he kissed back, the kiss was perfect.  Before it could escalate I pulled away hesitantly.  I opened my eyes to still see his closed, a dazed smile on his face.  I, of course, had to ruin the moment.  "Don't yell or say anything." I ordered making him snap back to reality.  My demand worked, probably because he was still looking dazed.

        "What happened?" I asked.  He was about to say something but I shush'ed him.  His eyes darted towards his arm, which was covered in a wrap.  I exhale loudly, "Whisper it."

        "Jenny!  Get out of here!  That maniac bit me, like tearing my flesh!  He kidnapped me then got you!  I was worried..."  He whispered/yelled, slipping out the last part.  I smiled at that, he was actually worried.

        "Liam, Liam!  It's going to be alright okay?  I'm okay, you're going to be okay, and everything will be ok!" I said, flickering my gaze towards the white bandage on his arm.  He does the same, seeing blood and a white bandage across my stomach.  I didn't really need it though, I was healed. 

        Before he could say anything the bathroom door was burst open.

Two update today!  Short but still two!  Anyways I feel like a total B word for not posting in such a long time.  I will revise this shortly, but please comment on any mistakes or opinions.  I would love to hear them!  Please vote or comment!



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