Who Am I Now? : chapter 2

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"Here we are, The capital of Astanarea! The city of desert star, Astanres!" Said Mr. Jeffe. I saw a big gate made from steel. Many people entered and exit that place. Maybe they are trader from another region. As we moved there, I saw many trader with their belongings. From food ingredients until materials for many purpose. Even some creature that I can't recognize. Our Caravan were stopped by the guard to begin checking. After we get approved, we can continue to enter the gate.

There are market everywhere along the way. Many things that they are sold. Behind them is a house made from brick coated with clay with wooden door. "This section is for market and trade, there is another gate for the Astanres citizen lived. But that's another story. Let's find the central park first." Explained Mr. Jeffe as we moved through there.

The central park is looser than the market, Mr. jeffe unloaded his belongings and so are his caravan. Mr. Jeffe said that he will handle something first while ask if there any refuges from Mechanoid's last attack. We both seek info too while waiting around the central park. That kid recognized someone and run towards them. Looks like he found his parents.

The kid dragged his parents to me. His father coming closer to me and says, "Thank you very much ma'am for saving our son!"

"It is my pleasure, sir." I replied.

"My wife is very sad after we separated from mechanoid. She think that she never see his only son again! How can we repay you ma'am?"

"Ah, you found them, I see." Said Mr. Jeffe from afar.

"Mr. Jeffe." says that kid's father.

"Are your caravan is alright sir?"

"Most of it already damaged and we forced to leave it."

"I see."

After that, Mr. Jeffe and that man talked stuff here and there. In the end, Mr. Jeffe recommended me to live with their family, as they are the Astanres citizen too. As I didn't have any place to go. They gladly accepted me as their family member.

"My name is Yathep, and this is Mefila." As he shows her wife to me

"My name is Fadel, nice to meet you big sis!"

"My name is Rosa. Nice to meet you too." as I smiled

Mr. Jeffe left us to do other things while we return to their home. We went to small door near huge gate protected by the guard. Mr. Yathep showed an ID to the guard, and after a while, they let us pass. "Welcome to the inner city of Astanres." Said Mr. Yathep. There are many tall building and transportation that flied everywhere. Its really different from outer city.

"Fadel, can you guide Rosa to our place? Mom need buy some groceries for our dinner."

"Yes mom! Big sis, let's go!"

I followed Fadel to their place. After a long walk, we arrived to a nice two story house. Fadel unlocked the door with an ID and continued with password. A heavy protected house it seems, I wonder what inside. As we entered, I can see the living room and a stair in the right hallway. Fadel guided me to the upper floor and show my room.

As I entered, this room is really empty. No furniture at all. Fadel told me that this place is a temporary warehouse. We going to cleaned this place because its full of dust. After that, Fadel gave me a sleep bag and tell where the shower room is. He said sorry because there is no other clothes for me. Maybe I asked Ms. Mefila if she has spare clothes.


Three weeks I lived in Yathep's house. I helped what I can do, like bought some groceries or supply, helping Yathep with lifting supply to caravan, or play with Fadel. Mefila taught me how to cook too. Her cooking always taste great. I hope this could continue longer, as I already accepted my fate as their family.

"Rosa, can you help me to buy ingredients?" said Mefila while cleaning the kitchen.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Here is the list and the money, but you need to go to outer city. Because inner market don't sell it."

"Hmm... sure then."

"You already have temporary ID right? So the guard can let you pass."

"Yes, I already have one. Yathep helped me to making that before."

"I see, be careful then."

Off my way to the outer city. I already remembered most of the nearby way. So this going to be easy. Before I knew it, I already near the border. After I showed my temporary ID, the guard let me pass. Then I continued my way to hunt the stuff on my list. I'm going to finished this as fast as possible.

When I got half of the list, an explosion sound occur from the outside the city. The guards are running to the source. At first I didn't care about that, but many people ran away to the inner place. As my curiosity raised, I begin to check what happen. It seems that the guards fight against something.

"A mechanoid? But why it come here?" said one of the guard.

"Let's question about that later! we need to stop it!" said one other guard.

The guards already shoot the mechanoid with rail gun. But it looks like didn't work much. A ball shaped thing with four leg and red lamp as its eye. It countered guard's attack with explosive magic from its launcher. I observed the situation and it became worse. Looks like I need to help them.

I found a trader's cargo full with weapon left behind. I seek a weapon that I can used. After a while, I found a sword with magical core in cross guard section, and a switch on the pommel section. It looks like strong enough. Then I go faced that machine.

I didn't know why my body is very fast, dodged mechanoid's magic cannon easily. The guard that saw me stopped shooting it. When I already reach it, I activated the switch in that sword. The blade is opened up, creating a burst of energy that have same length with the blade. The magic core can be rotated to get high burst.

After dodged a close attack from it, I pierced its red lamp eye with high burst mode. After it gave a little struggle, it stopped move. The burst passed through its body.

"Is it stopped?" said the guard while observed the mechanoid stopped move.

"Looks like so. Who is that woman anyway?" said another guard pointing at me.

"don't worry, this guy is already dead!" I said proudly.

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