Alchemist's Way : chapter 1

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"Born! Give birth to this beautiful world! A sacred energy that has been blessed by the God and Goddess!"

An alchemist stone began to glowing brightly, in the middle of the magical symbol. Different material around it began to vaporize into a light particle, Mixed up with alchemist stone. Then the light flashed very bright. When the brightness reduced, a life-form appeared before me. A cute little girl with pointy ear and pink crystal horn.

Looks like I made it. A homunculus, the alchemist highest technique. The art of creating artificial life via magic and ingredients. After a while, this little girl opened her eyes. She saw me with confused. It seems that she really don't know anything. Just like a newborn baby that has been delivered to life. But first, I need to find her a some clothes.

I didn't know if she understand or not, but she seems following all my explanation well. And before I realize it, she already repeat what I says. I felt like a father to teach her daughter about life and other things. It happened very fast before she could did it for herself.

One month after successfully creating a homunculus, someone knocked my door.

"Excuse me, Alchemist master, are you there?" she said.

"Wait up, I'll be there in minute."

An interval passed, I opened the door. Looks like I got visit from my colleague, A Geomancer, named Sarah.

"Ah, Sarah! welcome." I greeted her nicely

"Hello Alchemist Master, how've you been?"

"Still doing my alchemy stuff, c'mon in."

"Sure!" Then she noticed my homunculus behind me. "Hey, Alchemist Master...."


She saw me with disgusting eye, "I know you are lonely, and need some company. But why a little kid? Are you—"

"I think you mistaken this just an ordinary little girl, dear. Look her closely."

Sarah stared her so deep, as she scanning her. Circling her, touch her ear and crystal horn, pinch her cheeks.

"She just like an elf to me, maybe dark elf or something because the horn. But still—"

"*sigh* Known the word 'homunculus'?"

"Homun...culus! You make her?!" she shocked.

"Created it." I answered it plain.

"With that red stone you showed me few days ago?!"


She continued to examine her again. There is nothing different than an ordinary little girl, yet Sarah touch and pinch her again.

"Master, she annoyed me!"

"O-M-G! She can talk!"

"Of course she can! She is a living being too like us."

"I don't know that alchemist possessed this power."

I cut her curiosity, "Ehem, What's bring you here then?"

she returned her sanity, "Ah, yes, how I can forget about that."

Well, it's normal for her reaction to saw a homunculus in her lifetime.  It was a rare opportunity for seeing homunculus, even there are summoning magic and familiar out there. The mostly different was we created it, not calling via summon, or make a contract. The last Alchemist master was 60 years ago, and the council couldn't found next successor.

And I think I knew the reason why Sarah here, as She now become a headmaster in Grand Magicia Academy, the largest magician institute in Navarevle. The place that I and she learn an earth magic. That makes she close with the council and could gain direct order from them. The council still forced me to take the seat of Alchemy Master to show its existence. I already told them that I don't want to accept that, and make my life busy with that complicated stuff.

To be honest, I didn't asked with this title too. They suddenly gave me that title because I succeeded create an alchemist stone, the source of homunculus's life. After that, the 'Alchemist Master' word spread through the country. I wonder if there any alchemist like me from other country. But it seems that Sarah not only brought that news too.

She told me that the King Varadis XXI, or we could say the president from Navarevle country too, has a secret desire to awaken the 'ancient weapon'. Based on her information, the king asked about that information secretly and doing research when on free time. But the council still didn't get direct order from the king himself, so this was just a rumor.

Another thing that she told me, she found a large guild administrator near here. For an alchemist like me, a rare ingredients and material were perfect for making useful potion, or other enchantment stuff. She said many strong explorers and guilds sign for an assignment for a decent amount of payment. We could place a quest in there with anything we need, and of course a reward.

That place was going to hold a grand opening on next four days. She recommended me to go there, maybe I could met with someone important, or at least know exact location. Somehow, she still didn't believe about my homunculus could make us a food while she told me anything. After that, she left me and ride her rock. Yes, you read it right. A flying rock. She was geomancer after all.

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