Alchemist's Way : chapter 2

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"Marina, are you prepared? We going to go now."

"Yes master, I'm ready."

And off we go to the grand opening of the guild administrator. Sarah already gave me the address. The place is near mountain valley. We used Marina's magic to go there. Somehow, Marina's magic was really variant, she could use many magic type. Including one that we used right now. She focused her wind energy and cover us with it. Simply it called "haste", using wind energy to move faster than normal.

Passing a forest, river, lake, another forest again, and we arrived to said destination. This place is surely huge and crowded. People from any race and country come to this place too. I hope I didn't get too much attention from other. But, someone already know that I was here.

"Well, well, isn't an alchemist master?" greet the guy with  full armored plate.

"Master Warg, greetings." as I bow to him.

"Please stand up my friend. we are same in here. No need about hospitality." and he smacked my shoulder "And don't address me with master either. Hahaha!"

I nodded.

He invited me to join the party. "Well then, shall we?"

The party was very crowded. I noticed some influential people here and there. Even king Varadis XXI were here too in his throne.

"Say, it's rare to see you here, something your head? Hahaha."

"It's because Sarah recommended me to coming here, for unknown reason."as I watched around.

"I see, She still taking care of you. I wonder why."

"Neither are I."

"And also, Who is that little girl following you all the time?"

"Don't be surprised."

Master Warg tried to control himself while waiting my answer.

Quietly I said "homunculus."

"Owh, I thought she is your apprentice or something...."

"You not surprised?"

"Why should I? I'm not like Sarah. Hahaha!"

He... really changed much. Beowulf Warg, a lycanthrope people. One of best friend when I still in Academy. After we get separated from the academy, I heard he got promotion to become a king's royal guard. He learned about royal attitude in there somehow.

Soon after that. King Valadis began to speech. Just a boring speech from a king, nothing new. And after he finish the speech, the party continued. I continued to eat and drink, until someone get my attention. A tall girl with camouflage robe, and mercenary suit. She has beautiful blue ponytail hair. I nudged Warg and asked about that girl.

"Hey, Do you know that girl with camouflage robe over there?"

"Hmm, where? Oh she? Never seen her around here. But judging from the suit, she is from Melidia."

"I see." as I sipped my drink.

"What is it my friend?" Warg asked curiously.

"It just... she caught my attention, that's all."

"You lived too much far from the city, I know how you feel. Hahaha."

while I was ignoring Warg bad joke, "Marina, can you help me?"

"Yes master?"

"Can you go to near that girl, just pretend to be a stranger or something and hear whatever she said. Maybe you get some information about her."

"Okay master."

I wonder if Marina can do her job. So I followed her. She took a drink, then accidentally fell in front of her. I didn't know that she improved that good. That girl began to help her. She thought Marina was a lost girl in this party and decided to help to find her parents. Marina guided her aimlessly while asking anything she can dig.

Later time, Marina guided her to me. I told her that I really worried with Marina lost in the crowded. She accepted it easily without second thought. After she already far away, I began to ask Marina about information she get. Marina told me that girl's name is Rosa. She was here because her mission, but she didn't told about the detail. She would be in this country for a while until she finished her job.

At least I knew her name was Rosa, and I really hope I could met her again in the future. Looks like the party still get a long time before end, but I was bored already. So I left the place and going back to home. I couldn't find Warg too, maybe he got his duty started. On the outside the building, I noticed a girl with gothic robe. I approached and greet her.

"A Necromancer Master, rare to see you here." I greet her gently.

Shocked after hear my voice, "Alchemist master?"

"I didn't saw you in party before?"

"No. honestly I just passing by in this place after collecting my stuff on that mountain. But my curiosity kicked out and makes me check this place. And you?"

"Well, one of my friend recommended me to come to this place. She said this place is great for trade ingredients with a decent of money."

"Really? I don't know about it? How its works?"

"We put the list for what we wants, and some reward too. After that the explorer and guilds will find those we want."

"That sounds interesting. But this reward...."

"Amount of money or maybe some valuable thing they needed."

"I knew it...."

After that, we parted each other. I ordered Marina to cast haste again. She nodded and channeling the wind energy that soon cover our body. Soon, we arrived to my place and I felt tired so much. After checked the ordered potion to make tomorrow, I went to sleep.

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