Who I Am Now? : chapter 3

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Two weeks after that incident. Mefila told me that someone waiting me in outer city, in central plaza. She warned me to be careful, because she had a bad feeling about this. But for me, I need to meet with her. Maybe she known my past or some clue about it. Then, I'll went to said place.

After I arrived in the central plaza, I begin to looking around. A girl that perfectly matched from given description from Mefila sat on the nearby fountain. I approached her slowly until she noticed me. "M... Rosa!" she said with joy and then hugged me so gently.

"Glad you are still alive!" Said that girl with tear that start to drop

"Umm, excuse me?"

"Can I hug you longer?"

"Oh, okay."

This girl was a mysterious one. She hugged me all of sudden, then cry softly. I wonder what I was done before to make this girl crying. After some time passed, she already calmed down and removed some of her tear. She started to talk to me.

"Sorry, *sob* just can't help it. Anyways... I need to introduce myself. Name's Alice."

"Alice? Who are you? How you know me?"

"First at all, I'm your friend, or you can say... partner. Second, of course I know you Rosa! You lost after the last mission we take. It seems you don't remember anything after that."

"How I can trust you?"

"I can guess your breasts size... if you want." as she winked.


"Joking, look on your right arm, there is a glyph right? If I do this...."

Alice touched my glyph that I never know it before, and it begin to glow. Not only that, she picked up something from the light, and it's a weapon. A sword that marked with my name in its blade.

"Well, this isn't an ordinary tattoo you know! if you use a little magic, it become your weapon storage."


"Yup, we are mercenaries! We take mission from our client and finish it for money... or something else."

"I don't really understand."

"Did you really forget that much?"

"I can't remember anything at all."

"I see...."

Alice now just stared at me, watched every inch of my body. I don't know what she thinking about, or what she going to do.

"Excuse me...."

"Ah, sorry.... Anyways, it's really so sudden but, can you accept my request? Because you still my partner after all, and mercenaries too!"

"You suddenly come to me, tell me about this and that, and now asked me for help?"

"Well, you have plenty of time to accept it or not, it's up to you. But... if you accept it, I'll tell you about your past. I know you can stop those mechanoid be—"

"You know about it?"

"Yeah... I mean, no! The rumor spread so fast. A random girl stop a giant mechanoid. Even the guards are shocked too! Your bravery already spread around this place now."

"Okay. You win then. I'll help you with this 'mercenaries' thing. I just want to know who I am, that's all."

"*sigh* did I need to repeat it again. You and I have a same job, and it's called mercenaries. I give you a time to think. If you ready, just touch your tattoo like I did before."

"Wait, but I don't know about any magic"

"You already know actually, but maybe your amnesia makes you forget about it. Just touch it, it will automatically glow."

I tried like what she said, and it's really worked. The glyph glowed easily. Then I tried to grab that sword, and I can feel it in my palm, then continued to pull it. The small particle begin to gathering in my hand, the farther I pull the more solid form those light become, and the sword is fully draw from my right arm.


"Alright, you get my trust a little."

"Well, that's good then! And don't worry, that glyph not easily triggered with only slight touch. So you still can take a bath without accidentally activated that, hehehe. But, to be honest, I'm really glad to see you again."

After that, Alice left me while waving her hand. And now I needed to make a decision. Whether I choose to leave my lovely place to know my past, or just staying here peacefully. Or is there an unknown destiny waited for me. Even I wasn't sure that I am a mercenaries with Alice as my partner. Before I realized, I already arrived at home.

At Dinner time, I told all of my encounter with Alice to my family, and the choice I need to make. At first Yathep and Mefila declined so hard as an action to protect me. But, they didn't have any strong reason to hold me in here too if I choose to know my past. Yathep said that my suit is not from this country. Fadel added that my suit is from one of the big country next from this continent, based on his research in library yesterday.

So, the final choice is on mine. After thought about all consequences and risk, I decided to activate my glyph. Alice said just active the glyph, but tell nothing more. One day after that, Alice come to my house.

"You decided to seek your past?" she looked me with curiosity.

"Yeah...." I answered it half-hearted.

"Did you already told that with your families?"


"Alrighty then! I give you one day to be prepared and say goodbye to your families. I'll wait you in the International Airport in 9 o'clock in mornin', 'kay?"

International Airport, huh? Looks like this going too far away from this place. As I packing my stuff and saying goodbye to Mr. Yathep families, who happily accepted me like their daughter. Mr. Yathep ordered me a taxi because International Airport is really far from they live. A car with anti-gravitational technology comes and parked in front their house.

Well, this is a farewell then. Not only to this place, and this country too. A desert star city, Astanres, capital city of Astanarea, A country that mostly desert. When I arrived to airport's lobby. Alice found me very quickly. She showed me a passport and plane ticket. Later, we boarding to Navarevle country. A country with most magic academy born in there, or that was Alice said.

As we in passenger chair. I asked many question, about the detail of this mission, what Navarevle country looks like, why she always look to my breasts, and my past. Somehow she didn't answered and just joking or goofing around with the answer. Well, at least I trust her based on how closed we can talk right now.

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