When Soren gets bored

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Soren POV
Ivor was chilling on the couch, reading a book on enchantments. I was laying on the floor, letting the Roomba circle around me, and bump into me. I was too laxy and bored to do much of anything else. Eventually, I began to stretch, and accidentally turned it off. Then, I got an idea. I snuck into my room, and grabbed a gay pride flag. Then, I snuck back into the kitchen, squatted on top of the Roomba, then turned it on.

Ivor POV
I was just reading on the couch, then I heard the sound of the Roomba coming through. I looked up and saw Soren standing there, holding a gay pride flag. "Shock and awe, everyone! Shock and awe!" he began to shout. I blushed, and laughed at my boyfriend. I gently climbed on his shoulders, and began to shout, "GAY! PRIDE! GAY! PRIDE!" Soren began to chuckle. I leaned down, and gave him a kiss in front of everyone. We eventually had to get off the Roomba because the battery died. I gently led Soren to the couch, then we both sat down. I gently blushed, and looked at him. "You know I love you, right?" Soren nodded while blushing, and held my hand. "Of course I do. And, I love you too." We gently shared another kiss while everyone cheered us on. We pulled away, then Soren gently rested his head on my shoulder. I gently grabbed his hand with my own, and gently brushed my thumb against the back of it.

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