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Soren POV
The witherstorm.
It was hovering in the air, menacingly.
I was trembling in my boots, then, I turned and ran. But, after a couple minutes of running, it was right in front of me again, holding everyone in its tentacles. They were all calling out to me, begging for me to help them, calling me a coward. I began to unsheath my sword and slice off the tentacles holding everyone in place, but then, after I pulled out my sword, I was unable to move. The witherstorm evilly laughed at me. "Soren, you fool." it hissed at me. "You actually believe you can help them, when you endangered them all, by running away in a moment of selfish cowardice?" I began to cry, right in front of it. That just seemed to make it happier. "Jesse was right. You are a coward." A tentacle began to reach out and touch me on the shoulder. I heard Ivor's voice faintly calling my name...
"Soren!" Ivor called out to me. He was shaking me awake. I looked at him, tears pooling out of my eyes. He gently grabbed my hands, looking into my teary eyes. "Do you...wanna talk about it?" he asked gently. I quietly nodded. "It...was the witherstorm. I...I ran away, found me. It had all of you within its tentacles, and I tried to save you, but I froze. It called me a coward, and...and..." I collapsed into his chest, gently sobbing. He wrapped his arms around me, and began to gently pat me. "Look, Sorey, just calm down. Shhhh, shhh, shhh. You were just scared. It's okay. The witherstorm is gone now. Just let it all out. It's okay to cry. I'm right here with you." After a while, I began to calm down. Ivory always managed to calm me down when I was feeling upset like this. I gently wrapped my arms around him. He gently began to blush, and looked at me. I gently held his hand. "Thanks for letting my cry, Ivory." He gently smiled at me. "Of course, Sorey. Believe it or not, I have nightmares too. The worst one is..." He began to look upset, and hesitated to tell me. I gently began to pet his hand. He looked at me, and sighed. "The worst one is where we're both inside the witherstorm, and you had what Petra had. Suddenly, it all came back to you all at once, then you began to hate me for what I did. You kicked me, and I fell to my death. As I fell, I kept hearing you insult me, calling me a coward. When I kept telling you I loved you, you just evilly laughed, called me an ugly gay boy, then kept laughing." I gently looked at him. "Ivory, you know I would never do anything like that to you." I gently kissed him, then he kissed me back. After he pulled away, he was gently and sadly smiling at me. "Sorey? Would you mind if I slept here tonight? You know, if either of us have nightmares?" I gently nodded, and laid back down, looking at him. He pulled the blanket on top the both of us. I wrapped my arms around him, then buried my head in his chest. Ivor wrapped his arms around me, then we both fell asleep.

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