What they do in their spare time

453 11 6

Soren POV
Me and Ivor were just chilling on the couch, being bored. Ivor was sitting upside down, legs crossed, fabulous bunny slippeeed feet in the air, fabulous black waterfalls of hair cascading downwards. I grabbed my laptop, and started looking up restraunts that looked good, because hey, I wasn't really in the mood for cooking. Now, I'm not saying Ivor is a bad cook, all I'm saying is this: even the raccoons won't eat his dinners. The last time they even came within five feet of one, they legit performed an exorcism on it. Ivor gently tapped me on the shoulder. "Hey, Sorey. I just got a pretty good idea to kill the time." I looked at him curiously. "Who is time, and why do you want to murder them?" Ivor grabbed a pillow, and mashed it onto his face. He eventually put it back. "Okay, firstly, Sorey, you are my boyfriend, and I love you very much, but can you please stop it with these horrible puns, and taking everything I say the wrong way all the time? I mean, most of the time, I find it funny, I'm just not in the mood for it right now. Secondly, this is my idea: we write fake bad review for restraunts." I looked at him. "Won't that get us in trouble?" Ivor snickered. "No, of course not. I did it all the time before I started dating you." I shrugged. "All right. Who's our first victim?" Ivor grabbed the laptop from me, and began scrolling. "See, the best way to do this is to find a popular restraunt, and utterly demolish their reputation by leaving lots of bad reviews, because people take these reviews seriously." Ivor clicked on Rib City. He handed the laptop back to me. "Feast your eyes upon the Rib City in Redstonia! With an overall rating of 4.5 stars, 15.6 thousand reviews, this is one we need to go after." I gasped. "This is the Rib City we went to on iur first date! Oh, the memories...We had to wear these costumes to avoid being recognized. I wore a Batman suit, and you dressed like a hippe." Ivor laughed. "Exactly. I remember how the service was so-so. So, find the things that could have been better, and blow them way out of proportion." I began typing in the review box right away. "This Rib City is the worst one I have ever been to! We were sitting there, waiting for a table for 25 minutes. There were plenty of staff there to help us, but they just stood around and did nothing. Eventually we sat ourselves down at the only table that was available, and it was so sticky, I couldn't pick up anything off of it." Ivor was laughing so hard, he began to cough. "You are so brutal right now! Keep going!" I kept typing. "When it finally occured to the staff that there were people who hadn't had their order taken yet, they send over the most impatient waiter, who kept acting like she didn't get paid enough to get off her phone and be social and helpful with the customers. When she finally did bother to take our order, we had to wait an hour for food we probably could have recreated at home. The food was so burnt, it looked like someone attacked it with black paint. Also, the 50 Shades of Delicious sauce line reminded us all: why make 50 flavors when you can't even get the Child's Play flavor right?" After roasting them for about five more minutes, I hit the submit button. It popped up there with my fake name: Ryan Seacrest. Suddenly, we saw Ellegaard pop out of her room, looking like someone stole all her redstone. "Okay, who put up a bad review of my restraunt?" Me and Ivor both looked at each other, then, I ran over to the Enderman suits, threw one at him, put mine on, and ran into the End. After some time, I saw Ivor come towards me. "Ivory, are you okay?" he stared at me. "Let's just say Magnus and Gabriel had to hold her back. Then, Magnus decided to say screw it to the whole thing, and dropped her, and of course, an angry Ellegaard is too much for one person, even the world's strongest warrior, to hold back." I gently hugged him. "It'll be okay, Ivory. You're safe now." Ivor nodded from within my embrace. "I know. Let's just stop with the fake reviews for a while, wait till the heat's off." I gently lifted our masks so our lips were exposed, and kissed him. "That was pretty fun, though. You were right." He smirked. "Of course I was, Sorey." Then, we gently kissed again.

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