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Soren: *just got his wisdom tooth removed*
Ivor: *came to drive him home* Hey, Sorey. How ya feeling?
Soren: Who in the actual Nether are you?
Ivor: *stifling laughter* I'm you're boyfriend, Soren.
Soren: How did you get in my house?
Ivor: Um...this is the dentist's office, Sorey.
Soren: My dentist is in my house???? Help???
*Soren and Ivor begin to walk out of the dentist's office when they pass a fish tank*
Soren: *begins to cry while leaning against fish tank*
Ivor: Um...Sorey...are you okay?
Soren: The fish....
Ivor: What about them?
Soren: They're drowning...
Ivor: *facepalms, then begins to laugh* Soren, they're okay!
Soren: No they aren't! They're drowning!
Ivor: Soren, they're fish. They swim. It's what they do.
Soren: They aren't swimming, they're drowning!
Soren: *Is somehow holding half the dentist's office* Don't worry fishies, I'll save you!
Ivor: *Picks Soren up and runs before they get sued for destruction of the dentist's office*

*In the car before they drove away*
Soren: OH MY GOD!!
Ivor: *almost has heart attack* What's wrong???
Soren: Don't you see them??
Ivor: *mini panic attack, is seriously looking around now* See what???
Soren: There's like, 25 witherstorms flying around right now!
Ivor: -_-
Soren: I'm gonna fight them! Surely is good idea!
Soren: *Opens car door, about to get out*
Ivor: Wait! You aren't even armed!
Soren: Yes I am!
Ivor: With what, exactly?
Soren: Overconfidence!
Soren: *jumps out of car and runs*
Ivor: Crap...Soren, wait! *jumps out of car and begins chasing him*

*on the drive home*
Soren: *begins to cry*
Ivor: What's wrong, Sorey?
Soren: Snakes...
Ivor: What about them?
Soren: They don't have arms!!!
Ivor: *sighs* not again...*has flashback to all the times Soren has ever realized snakes don't have arms* *that happens about once a week*
Soren: It's so sad! We need to get them some arms, or something. We have to help them!
Ivor: Listen, Soren, this is not that big of a deal!
Soren: Yes, it is! How do they crawl??
Ivor: They don't crawl. They slither.
Soren: Exactly! They have to do that because they don't have arms to crawl with! If they had arms, they could crawl and climb and everything else!
Ivor: Except walk.
Soren: What do you mean?
Ivor: Snakes don't have legs either, Soren.
Soren: *gasps in shock* They don't???
Ivor: No...*something tells me I am going to regret pointing thay out to him*
Soren: NOOOO! IT'S NOT FAIR! *cries even harder*
Ivor: *sighs* *okay, I officially regret pointing that out to him*

*the day after*
Soren: *wakes up*
Soren: *suddenly remembers the anesthesia high*
Soren: Oh Notch...poor Ivor.
Soren: *goes to Ivor's room to apologize*
Ivor: *asleep, mashing his face into a pillow*
Soren: Ivor? Can I say something real quick?
Ivor: *lifts face from pillow* Can't talk now, sleeping off the headache meds.
Soren: *hugs Ivor*
Ivor: ...
Soren: I'm so sorry about everything that happened last night.
Ivor: It's okay. That was the anesthesia.
Soren: ...not all of it...
Ivor: ?
Soren: See, on the ride home, the anesthesia had begun to wear off, and I was having fluid thoughts. But then, I remembered snakes don't have arms, and that upset me.
Ivor: -_-
Soren: *kisses*
Ivor: *smiles*
Soren: See? It is impossible for you to be mad at me when I kiss you.

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