Chapter 1: Good-Bye

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Edited: 3/26/20

Lucy's P.O.V

As I got from my bed, I feel extremely sore. Very sore. It was because of my mission yesterday:

Defeat all monsters from:
Tonua Island
Grand: 50,000

Yes I did that...




And that's the reason why my body is sore. My team, had some other "stuff" to do, they said it was very important. I also, no, my team and I also got Lisanna back from Edolas, I was very passionate about what activities I could do with her! We could talk and chat all day about what she did in Edolas! Unfortunately, I have to report my completed mission to Master Markov.
I also didn't take a bath yesterday! So I quickly took one quick bath and dressed in my white sleeveless turtleneck top, my short navy blue skirt, and my belt of keys of course. I got out the door putting on my knee-high boots and running towards my guild.


After a couple minutes of arriving at FairyTail, I made my way over to the table of where Mira and Lisanna were sitting at. Mira was preparing drinks for everyone, since it's on the house, I smiled at her, and Lisanna too. I told them that I was going to talk to Master Markov that I completed my mission, walking up the stairs to his office and arriving at his wooden door.




"Master? I need to tell you something!" I said with a volume loud enough for Master Markov to hear.
"Come in Lucy," He replied back to me.
"Okay, I'm coming in," I said opening the door, and seeing Master Markov doing his paperwork on his desk.
"What do you need, Lucy?" He said to me, wondering why I was in his room and disturbing him while he was doing his work.
" I have completed my mission Master Markov," I replied back to him as he was still doing his paperwork, I walked over to him and handed the paper or mission as you can say, to him so he can check what I did. Master Markov excepted my paper and gave me the 50,000 grand. When I go home today, it will be in my savings account to make things easier for carrying of the 50,000 grand that I had. I said goodbye and left his office, closing the door behind me, with a shutting sound, then walking down the stairs to order my strawberry shake drink. I was sitting beside Lisanna, who was sipping up her coconut shake as fast as she can, then it hit her.
"Eeeeete!" Lisanna squeaked out as the freezbrain hit her.
"Are you okay Lisanna!" Mira asked worriedly.
"Yea, I'm fine. It's my fault for drinking too fast, I'm sorry big sis," Lisanna replied.
"It's okay, now don't do that again!" Mira slightly scoffed.
"Okay, I won't," Lisanna muttered.
I slightly chuckle to myself, hehe, what a funny scene, I wish I had an older brother and sister. I sipped my strawberry shake and wow! My shake tasted so good, I tried not to drink as fast as Lisanna to not get a freezebrain, so I slowed down my drinking pace and drank my shake at a suitable pace for me. I had finished my drink, it was very delicious, very so much. I handed my empty finished cup to Mira to clean it and put it away. As I handed to her, I heard a familiar voice, and that was...


I look over my back and see Gray coming my way, I think to myself,

Why is Gray coming this way? Did I do something wrong that he needs to report to me? Oh no! What is he goi-

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