Chapter 2: Walking

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Edited: 3/25/20

Lucy's P.O.V.

As I was walking through the forest the sun was setting and the temperature was starting to drop gradually. I kept on walking to find at least some kind of shelter to stay in for the night so that I won't be attacked on my first day of leaving. Unfortunately, I didn't find anything except trees and grass in my view. After a few more looks and searching, I finally found a cave. You do not know how much joy I'm filled with right now! I walked into the cave and started a fire, placed my pack beside me and went off to sleep. Now I'm not going to be like those other characters who just falls to sleep and just ditch the idea of how'd you know you slept.

 I, Lucy Heartfilia, will announce how I slept. How I knew was that I woke up the next morning, which meant I slept. pretty smart, right?  Back to my journey, I woke up and left without washing my face. Just kidding. I told Aquarius to do it for me but instead she got my whole head wet.  I dried myself with my shirt and kept on walking. Wait, today's the second day since I left Fairy Tail. Yep, today's the second day. I guess Markov received my letter, no need to talk about that anymore. I walked for hours, but still no rest because you can "Never give up!" cliche phrase. But, oh well, since I'm not gonna be that kind of person I'm just gonna give up and sit down and rest. I got up and started to walk again, my feet are killing me! Well, not killing killing but just hurting (you know what I mean). 

 I came upon a mountain and saw a little black dot which looks like a cave. "Another one. Another cave that I can be in." I said to myself.  Seems like I have a long way up I thought to myself. But who cares because you can "never give up", so then I just faced the long steep spiraling trail leading up to the cave that I saw.  

TIME SKIP (A/n: Because who wants a story about walking? Who?)

I finally came upon the cave and so that happened, I went in and threw a torch that I somehow got from my pocket and it lit the darkness up. I went in and saw.




Rocks. Woah, so cool. Okay, not just rocks but the rocks were white and not those typical dirt colored rocks and I also saw crystals. But who cares, I'm tired and want to go to sleep, like, who wants to sleep too?  (A/n: Lucy isn't like this. I think I made it too original. Or OCC idk those words.) 

Reader's P.O.V. 

Lucy slept on her pack by the fire keeping her warm, she was under a sleeping back curled up to keep her body temperature stable and warm. Something in the darkness moved which caused sound and Lucy woke up. "Who woke me up? I just got to sleep just a minute ago! I need my beauty sleep!" Lucy said, to the 'something' in the dark. 

"I did." A loud voice said. This voice sounded big, it seemed like it was speaking to Lucy in every direction.

"Well! Okay then. Goodnight!" Lucy replied, knowing that she was talking to a stranger.

"Beep beep beep beep bee..." The 'elegant' voice said once again, she was bothering Lucy in which she got up and told the voice to be quiet. 

"Be quiet!" Lucy interrupted the 'something's alarm. She was walking towards the voice and the voice just appeared, "EEEEEEP!" A small child appeared in front of Lucy.

"How dare you tell me to be quiet! I am Clara! The great child of this treacherous cave!!" Clara said. Clara looked like a small child, with white long hair and sky blue eyes. She had chains on her wrists and ankles though it looked like someone shortened the length off. Clara wore a long white dress that stopped to her knees and wore a necklace, which have seemed to be under her dress. Her dress seemed to gone through a lot of stuff because of how tattered and stained it look and Clara looked like she has some scratches on her arms.

"Okay, sorry? I guess I am apologizing to a kid. I'm Lucy and I wanna sleep so don't bother me please. Thanks, I am in a bad mood today," Lucy said to Clara, Lucy them mumbled to herself walking back her her bed, "because of my stupid team made me mad and now I have my keys to talk to." Clara heard Lucy mumbling to herself.

     "Keys you say? What kind?" Clara questioned with a smirk. Lucy seemed to be shocked that the little girl can hear her voice. 

Lucy ticked her head back in shock, "Y-You heard me? Am I that loud?" Lucy remarked. 

     "Yes, it seems so. Anyways, answer please!" Clara said.

"Um. I'll start off with my gold keys. Uh. Taurus, Cancer, Aquarius, Gemini,..." Lucy was listing off her key names. Lucy was for some reason, a little frightened by this girl because of how demanding she was. Clara, on the other hand, was questioning why Lucy was acting like this. She was surprised at how much gold keys Lucy has. Clara seemed to trust Lucy because of how she can tell everything to a stranger she just met.

"Lucy, can I tell you something..." Clara said. Hiding her secret, which was under her under her foot. A sparkle was reflected across the fire. A thing that looked like a key.


Change of plans! I am NOT going to be doing a dragon! I know I used it before this editing but no. I wanna be different and be the oddball. I am in the process of thinking of the character "Clara".

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