C7: A Suprise

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Previously on The Divine Power...

Lucy got blindfolded and was following Sting and Rogue, as that was happening they grabbed both of Lucy's hand and with that Lucy was questioning herself, where was she going?


Lucy P.O.V

As I was leaded by Sting and Rogue, we were walking down a hallway I suppose. With each step we took I could hear that tapping noise each time, it was a mystery to me of where Sting and Rogue were leading me, a couple minutes later we arrived at our destination, I heard creaking and I guessed it was a door, when Sting and Rogue said the take off my blindfold in unison, I listened to their order as told, still closing my eyes and with the blindfold in my hand, I opened my eyes and dropped the blindfold in my hand I was holding, I was very happy when I saw the room, it was the happiest day of my life. I was very very happy.

Rogue POV

As I saw Lucy happy or extremely happy, she started tearing up and I thought that Sting and I did something wrong, but no it was tears of joy and happiness, to show us that she was very happy, and in a sudden moment she hugged both of us.

Sting POV

As I thought Lucy was sad when she started crying, I saw her smiling instead and out of the blue she hugged me and Rogue at the same time.

Authors POV

As Lucy hugged the two boys instantly, the boys blushed a tint of cherry red, they turned to their sides of where Lucy could not see them embarrassed, Sting covered his mouth and Rogue lifted his arm up for Lucy to be more comfortable. Then both boys turned around, with still a tiny tint of blush, they moved their hands and patted Lucy's head, Lucy crying still to see the surprise in front of her.

...A Welcome Party...

With everyone in the guild there since their was another route to the place, Lucy said thank you to all but was still worried about Zeref, but she couldn't deny the fact that they'd do all of this for the welcome party, with cheers and laughter everyone took a dessert since their was some, after all the eating and cheering, Lucy walked up to Master Jiemma and started talking to him about a different topic.

"Master Jiemma, can I ask you a question?" Lucy said.

Master Jiemma looked over to Lucy and replied, "Sure thing, what is it?"

"If you know Zeref Dragneel, what would you do if he wanted to be in your guild?" Lucy asked Master Jiemma with a worried look.

"Oh Lucy, I would let him join, he might be dangerous but, he's always alone, and lonely. That's why if he'd ever I'll accept his request and let him join right away, but it's not like that's going to ever happen in my lifetime as a guildmaster." Master Jiemma said with a sad look. "But Lucy, lets get your insignia k?"

"Okay!" Lucy said with a smile.

As Master Jiemma told the guild to quiet down, he yelled out Lucy's name that she's joining Sabertooth as loud as he can, a white and gold out lined insignia appeared on Lucy's used-to-be FairyTail mark, her right hand.

"LUCY HEARTFILA HAS JOINED SABERTOOTH, SHE IS A MEMBER NOW FAIRYTAIL!" Master Jiemma yelled as loud as he can, as said the insignia appeared in Lucy's right hand. With the voice of Master Jiemma, the statement was loud enough for people to hear outside of the guild but with the distance of FairyTail to Sabertooth, no. And then the day ended, Lucy brought some treats to give to Zeref later but she just said to the guild that she'd wanted to eat more later so there's an excuse. As Lucy exited the guild doors Minerva grabbed a hold of Lucy's shoulder and said;

"Lucy, where are you going? You know you can't go all the way back to your apartment which is also known for a fact, THE CLOSEST HOME TO FAIRYTAIL!!!"

Lucy chuckled a bit and replied with a smile;

"I will move to your guild tomorrow k? I got somethings to pack up ok?"

"Ok." Was all Minerva said, but without a doubt Lucy walked away but turned around to hug Lucy's best friend and said goodbye with a wave. Minerva did the same thing too, she said bye to Lucy and waved her hand side to side smiling to Lucy as she left along the road. When Lucy knew that Minerva wasn't watching anymore, Lucy dashed to her right and into the wood she went, to meet Zeref who already prepared a small meal for him and Lucy. Lucy thought in her own head, he is so caring and nice, it's so cute, but I'll give him this snack so he isn't hungry got the day. And there Lucy dashed to see Zeref waiting by the fire pit for the food to be done and eaten by him and Lucy. As Zeref turned around to see Lucy running towards him he smiled and said,

...Welcome Back, Lucy. I missed you...

As he stood up, Lucy settled the extra deserts down on the log and walked to Zeref. He walked faster than Lucy and started to run to Lucy, he wanted to desperately hug her, and so he did. He hugged her tightly, putting his head down on Lucy's shoulder and began to silently cry on Lucy. Lucy was in shock, and blushed a bit.
"I miss you Lucy. I miss you. I though you weren't coming back when you left. I was worried sick. I miss you so very much Lucy. Very." Zeref said crying his heart out now.
"Zeref, I would never do that too. I missed you too, I was worried they couldn't let you join. But... they will. So come with me tomorrow, and we'll go to their guild. So don't worry, I'll always be with you too. Always." Lucy said and started to cry up a bit.
"I love you Lucy, your like my family, your very precious to me. I love you. I love you very much. I love you a lot." Zeref said not crying anymore.
"I love you too Zeref. You are very precious to me too. So don't worry, I'll never abandon you. I promise." Lucy said with a smile and a slight blush at the same time. Zeref smiled and blushed slightly, then Lucy brought her hand up and lifted her pinky finger up while all the other fingers down, Zeref was so very happy, he did the same thing and made a promise to NEVER abandon each other, and with both smiling faces on these two people they chuckled a bit. Then ate, after that came the yummy desserts which they finished and finally, off they went to bed. Cuddling and embracing each other for warmth again.

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