C4: Finding a Guild

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Edited: 4/24/20

Authors P.O.V
As the sun rays shining into the caves shadows and the fresh cold morning air, the birds chirped and then had awoken the elegant lady and man.
Zeref's P.O.V
As I heard the birds chirping and felt the chilly morning air, I was a bit cold and airy at one side and the other I was warm. I smelled the air having a sweet aroma along with the cold morning air. It smelled like strawberries? Did I bring a basket strawberries by accident?  I hear slight breathing, on the warm side of me. Did I attract animals in here!? Oh no, there may be a hyena or a pig by me! I opened my eyes and saw a blonde girl? When did I bring a girl here? Isn't she supposed to be dead because I am "Death"?

Oh wait.

This girl, this girl is from yesterday. She is Lucy Heartfilia, the girl I met yesterday and now I am living with her. She's nice, I suppose. I shook her so that she could wake up.

"Wake up Lucy." I said. I was hesitant to shake her shoulder, I didn't like to be close with people and hence why I stay away from them. In the end, I slightly--so ever slightly-- shook her shoulder. I assumed that she'd be in pain but then she didn't disintegrate like the plants I touch unconsciously. 

"Mmn?" Lucy mumbled looking up at me. She looked exhausted and was certainly tired. Her hair was all over the place, even on her face, and she was hogging all the blanket. 

Lucy's P.O.V
As I woke up from my delightful dream from a shake of my shoulder I question who woke me up with a "mmn?", I sat upright and rubbed my eyes. I looked beside me and saw Zeref by me. I got up and went to the river and started to rinse my face, I told Zeref to go wash his face too. I was still tired because it's early and he can only hear my mumbles. With the sounds of water splashing and chirping birds, it sounded normal to me. I remembered Celestia teaching me somewhere around this area. I smile at the thought of how happy Celestia must be when she met me.  As I went back to the cave, still thinking of Celestia's teachings, I stumbled over a root that was poking above the ground from and nearby tree and bumped onto Zeref's back. "Oh! Sorry Zeref! I'm just a bit tired. Well, gotta go find a guild so that I could have proper housing and rewards. You wanna come with me?" I said to Zeref enthusiastically.

" I can just stay here you can go, I-I'm busy buying ingredients for the meals today! Can't cook anything without nothing right? So you can go Lucy! I'll be here keeping watch over our territory." Zeref replies back quickly. He puts the dishes away by where we put them last night 

"Okay, well goodbye! See you!" I said back walking farther and father away from him and closer to the town of Magnolia. 

"See you too Lucy!" Zeref said while he was rolling the sleeping bag up from yesterday.That was quick! We knew each other not even for 24 hours and we already are comfortable with each other. I thought in my head as I was embarrassed.  I exited the forest and walked along the stone streets. I saw Minerva by a shop that sold clothing and accessories. You may think that 'wasn't she the girl who almost beat you up in the Grand Magic Games?' Yeah, of course she did but later Yukino came up to me some week later and said that she was sorry about Minerva's behavior. I said it was okay because she too also wanted to win. After that, I coincidently saw her walking shopping for stuff and things. I wanted to walk away but she noticed and we talked. So, that's how Minerva and I became friends or have a friendship between each other. I walked up to her and said 'Hello' like any other friend would do. She replied with a 'Hi' to me and smiled. She put a necklace down-which she was inspecting at- and said goodbye to the seller. We then left the shop and talked about each other, what has been going on a bit lately, and how has your life been giving you rewards. We both were joyfully and excitingly talked with each other until we talked about our guilds. I really didn't want to tell her but then I poured everything out because I couldn't hold it in. I wanted her to hear what has been going on. She heard me explain everything about what happened.

"Erza wanted me to meet up with her at the guild during midnight, or during night-fall. I agreed and went to the guild a bit early, but then I heard her voice and Natsu's. They said they wanted to be away from me or something. I decided that I should leave,  because I assumed that I was too weak for them, but then I really don't know the reason. This is when I went into hiding and into the forest for years, I trained and wanted to be stronger. I then met up with you!" I explained to Minerva, I didn't tell her about the celestial dragon and Zeref yet because there may be some consequences.

"Why would they do that to you? That is just plain rude. What's their reason?  I wouldn't do that to you because you, even though I kind of injured you, you are the  friend that I could talk to,  you know? Someone who is courageous, kind, prideful, caring and someone who is very brave. Can I hit those bastards for you? No money is needed."

"What reason can there be Minerva? I meet up with them in the middle of the night and I hear them talk about taking me away? What else can be explained with that!" I say to Minerva, she noticed my emphasis on some words in there. We were walking around the market, just walking around. 

 Minerva chuckles and then sighs before she talks to me, "Okay, okay. So you just walked in, hear them talking bad about you and then left. I would be doing the same exact thing as you, leave and tell them you are worthy of being in that guild. Here's an offer that I can give you because of I really want you to punch them square in the face, wanna hear it Lucy?" Minerva smirked at the end, telling me it's going to be something very very sly.

She told me that I should join their guild and get them because what will there reactions be like? It was going to be, of course, fun to see there reactions when I join there rival team. Though I thought of it as funny, I didn't want to do that because I wanted to be free. I declined at fist, but then she said that she'll lend us some money and free housing. I gladly then accepted the offer.

"Lucy! Join our guild to get what their reactions are. It'd be pretty funny to see them you on our team.  We're their rival team! Come on, some of  anything for my friend! If something bothers you, it won't bother me, but it will do something. Now shall you join our guild?" Minerva exclaimed at her great idea. I looked at her surprisingly and thought about it.

"Mm. I don't feel like it though, I'll decline." I answered to Minerva's question. She looked at me, shocked, having a hunch that I would accept to get revenge. Hehe, not today sister!

"Fine, I guess I'll have the rewards to myself and my extra housing. All to myself. Probably, lending it to another person." Minerva teasingly said, she stared straight into my eye, pitifully.

"Wait! I. I suppose I will, it's money and free housing for me! Let's go and get my insignia quickly! The quicker I get there the quicker I'll get my things! I can't wait to get those!" I replied, it's a good deal isn't it? Money and free housing for a reaction of my guild I just left.

"Okay Lucy, lets go!" Minerva said walking ahead of me, she was smiling so brightly. I think she's happy because her great mastermind idea, not the fact that her friend is going to be in the same guild as her.

"But wait. Minerva, can I ask you something?" I asked her, I was thinking about my decision.  

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Are you sure I can be in your guild, someone who just left a guild because they were talking bad about me?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Minerva said to me with a reassuring look. I smiled and we walked to the guild of Sabertooth. I wanted to experience being in a guild again, but this time there won't be any trick this time. I won't be tricked into being in a team where my teammates leave me and ignore me. Joining Sabertooth is like giving me a second chance, so there will be changes in me and there will be changes in how I will fight. This time, I will show my team that I have changed into another person. My strongest way of fighting is to fight for a reason or my emotions.
And just like that, I went running to Sabertooth's Guild.

A/n: Short story :)

Another A/n: wanna know what I realized. I got Minerva and Yukino mixed up. .-.
Like I thought, that Yukino's name was Minerva for some random reason. And if I go off the storyline of the actual anime/manga, I didn't watch the new episodes and stuff. Like I only got to the episode where Fairy Tail already disbanded and grown-up Natsu comes in with lava power  at Lucy's job at the Grand Magic Games and Lucy being like 'oh it Natsu'. After that they go home, reunite and Natsu finds out that Lucy been researching about fairy tail. Tell me which episode it is cuz that's where I left off. Like what, it has been 2 years since I watched the anime and so here is the part where things go off the cliff (story-line).

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