Chapter 10: The Reveal

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Previously on the Divine Power:

As Zeref pushed the wooden doors with Lucy, beads of tears started to form on the corners of Zeref's eyes.


"U-Um, Zeref... C-Close yours eyes first!" Lucy exclaimed as she realized of what Zeref just saw.

"O-Okay," Zeref replied confusingly, "but why do I have to cl-" Zeref got cut off.

"I-It's because. Um. You just! Need to close your eyes! Forget what just happened and what you saw a-and just listen to what I say o-okay!" Lucy stammered, putting a prepared blindfold on Zeref's face.

"Okay, Lucy. I understand." Zeref said smirking slightly. As Zeref and Lucy walked down the main area and walking through the hallway Lucy walked before, they both arrived at the doors, Lucy struggling but pushing the door successfully. They arrived at the place, Lucy saw the whole guild, standing there just waiting to yell, 'Welcome Zeref!'. Seeing the banner, and confetti cannon being set up. Zeref was waiting for his surprise.   

"Zeref. Get ready in," Lucy said,

"3," Lucy grabbed the blindfold.

"2," everyone from the guild got positioned

"1!" Lucy took off the blindfold, and everyone yelled, the confetti cannon got blasted.

"HOORAY!!! ZEREF JOINS!!!" everyone yelled from the guild.

"Zeref,  we have revealed your surprise." Lucy whispered quietly, smiling at Zeref. Both of them talked for a while of what the surprise was for. As for the guilds top two fighters...

Rogue's and Sting's (Author) POV:

"LOOK ROGUE!" Sting said angrily. Hiding behind a plant.

"What?" Rogue replied in boredom.

"Look at Lucy!" Sting raising his voice a bit.

"Lucy! Where!" Rogue whispered loudly looking from side to side.

"Over there you dumbo!" Sting said pointing to Lucy.

"Sting, Lucy is with someone, a boy to be precise." Rogue replied in anger when he saw a black haired boy.

"WHAT!" Sting yelled quietly.

"There." Rogue said, hitting Sting's head then pointing.

As both of them peered into view of Lucy above the leafs of the plant, they saw Lucy talking with another 'GUY'. Both twin dragons, saw the 'guy' hug Lucy, and she hugging him back. The two friends were in ANGER. They didn't know what the feeling was but for sure they were going to talk to Lucy about that 'guy'. They got up, walking towards Lucy and the 'guy' waiting to see his face when they tell him, that they both have a 'secret' relationship thing with Lucy, not knowing that this 'guy' was the 'guy' to become one of Sabertooth's guild mates not seeing the 'guys' name on the painted banner.

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