C9: Zeref Joins

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Previously on The Divine Power
Zeref and Lucy packed to leave to Sabertooth, then when going they ate lunch! It was yummy, right Lucy and Zeref? Anyway! Now here continues the scene!


Walking and then running and running, Lucy and Zeref finally made it to Sabertooth, standing in front of the big wooden doors, Lucy pushes the door as hard as she can, opening a bit, then pushing it some more. Then it felt a bit lighter than before, as Lucy looked to the side, she saw Zeref helping her. Panicking Lucy suddenly tells Zeref nor to do any work at all it was a surprise anyway.
"I-I'll push Zeref! No work for y-you!" Lucy said shuttering.
"But Lucy, I want to help you though." Zeref said while giving a puppy eye to Lucy.
"Tsk! Okay fine!" Lucy said as she turned her head away from Zeref.
As the door successfully opens, Zerefs eyes, are wide open, gleaming with joy and tear beads forming in the corner of his eyes.

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