C8: Leaving

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Previously on The Divine Power...
Lucy joins Sabertooth, she had a welcome party which made it the happiest moment of her life, she then leaves to pack her stuff up until Zeref starts crying since he missed Lucy. Finally at the end they slept together, and dozing off into dream land.


Authors P.O.V
As the sound of birds chirp in the cold morning, a yawn came out of the cave, the cave where Lucy and Zeref were sleeping in, but who woke up?

Lucy or Zeref POV
As I wake up from my dream and sat up I looked down to see the person beside me still sleeping, I got up but then when I was about to I was grabbed on the wrist. Pulling me back down to the ground and sitting on my bottom again. I smile and leaned closer to the person sleeping beside me and giving a little peck to the persons forehead for a good day. The grip loosened from my wrist and I walked out of the cave to prepare breakfast, for Zeref.

Zerefs POV
Blinking from the sun rays in the dark cave I sat up and looked around me. No one. Lucy woke up before me first, well then, time to get up. I got on my foot and walked out of the cave, while walking I looked to my right, no one, then to my left, showing Lucy a few meters left from me preparing a delicious morning breakfast. Mmmmmmmnn. I walked to her and then sat on the log to wait for my breakfast, but when I was about to sit, I decided to help Lucy out with the breakfast that she's making. Walking up to her and smelling the fragrance of delicious morning food. It's a perfect breakfast.

Authors POV

"Lucy, do you need any help with breakfast at all? I'm just wondering if you do, so if you do, can I um, help you?" Zeref asked with a shy tone of voice.

"Oh thanks for asking Zeref, could you help me set up the plates for the salad that we're going to eat together and the curry too. Oh, and also don't forget about the rice too, k! Thank you very much for helping me Zeref I appreciate your help very much! Oh yeah I forgot to say something to you! After that you can just wait for me, just sit on the log when I'm done!" Lucy said smiling brightly to Zeref.

"Okay I will, Lucy." Zeref replies back to Lucy whilst walking his way towards where the plates were and getting the salad ready, scooping hot steamed rice onto two bowls, along with the fresh curry. Setting all the plates down on the 'table' Zeref got the utensils for eating, chopsticks was their traditional way of eating food. As he sat down on the log, he waited for Lucy to be done with her 'special' cooking. He wondered what it was, he couldn't wait for the surprise. As he waited for a couple more minutes, Lucy was finished with her special cooking, some delicious udon noodles. As Lucy brought two bowls of yummy udon in her hands still with her apron on, she placed the bowls of udon down and quickly untied her apron, placed it back of where she found it, and speed walked to the table sitting down on the log and seeing the delicious and delightful food in front of Lucy and Zeref.
"Itadakimasu!" Both said the hungry persons. And they dived in the food, with the warm rice in their mouth first, with its perfect texture and its warmth, it was perfect with the curry in next. It's  flavored sauce with the vegetables in too, one bite of the meat can squeeze the juice of the sauce contained in there. And the sauce covering the vegetables which made it even more tastier, curry and rice tasted spectacular together. The richness of the flavors spread all over their mouths, and next along is the salad, biting into it made the crunch sound, with the salads lettuce being crunched with the other ingredients, made the luttuce into a healthy salad. Leaving a mixed and delicious healthy salad. And finally onto the udon noodles, Lucy and Zeref looked at each other and nodded their heads, they moved their chopsticks to their own bowls and grabbed a noodle, as they took a bite into it, the flavor was extraordinary, with its flavored liquid and with a bit of cilantro and green onion made the flavor of the udon more rich. With its texture and its warmth, the udon was amazing. Lucy and Zeref soon finished their breakfast, they got up from the logs and started cleaning them, washing the dishes they ate from, rinsing them, drying them, and putting them away where they are supposed to be. As Lucy and Zeref finished their jobs Lucy told Zeref to pack up his things if he has anything.

"Hey Zeref, do you have anything to pack up? If you do then please do so, because I have another surprise for you. Okay?" Lucy said starting to pack her things and belongings up.

"No I don't have anything, but I can help you carry your belongings if you need help at all. Do you?" Zeref answered lending his hand out to Lucy. 

"Zeref, I'm not sure if I do or do not need help but it depends right? You never know how much there can be." Lucy replied to Zeref as she gave him a bag of desserts from her yesterday welcome party to carry.

"So Lucy..." Zeref said and started a conversation with Lucy.

(TimeSkip- <After Packing>)

And as they packed and packed, and talked and talked they were finally finished.

"Hey Lucy, are we done yet?" Zeref asked tiredly.

"Ummmm, lets see. Thankfully, yes we are done packing our stuff! Now let go!" Lucy said happily.

"Woo-hoo~ We're going to leave now, so. Tired. Exhausted." Zeref said with a sigh and sat on a tree stump.

"Yea, Okay Zeref, no time to rest!
Lets go to your surprise! Okay! I can help you. Here!" Lucy said and handing out her hand to Zeref.

Zeref then grabbed Lucy's hand and Lucy pulled him up, now that Lucy's helping him, Lucy is still holding onto Zeref's hand helping him all the way to her surprise for Zeref, and leaving the woods and into the road.

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