Chapter 21

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I see the glass table on the side was all shattered into pieces and my brother looking at me while a male is holding him by his shirt as he was feeding. I balled my hand into a fist trying to fight my tears.

"Let him go," I commanded from the top of the stairs.

No response.

Now everyone is just looking at me in disbelief as if I was talking to the evil witch. I mean, no offense to the supernatural. I walked down the stairs ignoring all the stares and warnings.

Once I reached the bottom, I stood right behind him.

"I said, let him go, Chris." I said without thinking.

Chris? How did my brain- It was like someone was controlling whatever I'm saying.

With shock he lets go of Chenle causing him to fall on the floor and for some reason my body didn't react. Instead, I looked at the male right in front of me.

As Renjun and Haechan takes Chenle away placing him on the couch, a bunch of whispers were heard.

Did I say something?

"We meet again," he says as he took a seat on a chair while everyone just stares at us.

"Mina-" I raised my hand still looking at Chris causing him to chuckle.

"Oh Mina, still the same old girl from that quest. Nothing changed huh? Still that feisty girl." He chuckles.

I looked around and saw Chenle, barely even breathing.

He saw me looking at him, he laughs and said, "Poor child. His sister couldn't even protect him." I glared at Chris, "What do you want?"

"Hmm Lets see," ~ "I want, those boys to be my personal assistants in my own place," he paused and pointed towards Jaemin and the guys' directions.

"And I also want this kingdom to be mine," making everyone gasp and whisper.

"No." I said, Chris looks at me and furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm sorry?"

"After what you made me go through? No." I said. "Alright then," he stood up and suddenly Mark appears in his arms.

"I'm just going to take him then," he smiles, "NO!" I yelled as I tried to take Mark away.

The guys tried to run towards us but Chris raised his hand causing them to drop to the floor.

"You have 48 hours to make up your mind otherwise," he paused and twisted Marks arm.

Chris smiles at me and with that he disappears with Mark.

I looked at Chenle and ran to him, "Are you okay?" I asked as I scan his body.

He nodded, "He'll be fine," Renjun says getting up. I noticed the blood on his shirt. I lifted up his shirt and saw a hole from the wooden stake.

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