1. kindergarten troublemakers

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"Who spilled glue all over the table?!" Ms.Peter's was very upset now and it was all my fault. Earlier today I was doing a macaroni necklace for mommy because Mother's Day was this weekend and we're only 4 years old so it's not like we can buy something for them.

"I will repeat myself once more, who left the glue bottle open and let it spill all over??" She began to look all over the classroom, and then her eyes landed on me, soon enough everyone else's eyes also.

"I-I did," I mumbled.

"Of course Clementine. Of course, you did." She placed her hands on her hips and stared at me for quite some time. And all I kept thinking about was how much trouble I was going to be in for my carelessness.

The silence was broken when this boy named Jasper spoke, "Ms.Peter's it wasn't her fault I used the glue after her and it was my fault for the mess. Don't blame her."

"Well, Jasper you do know that means you'll be getting a timeout. Right?" She now spoke to him.

"Yes, mam." Ms.Peter's took Jasper to the corner and spoked in a whisper to him while the rest of the class stared. I looked at Jasper now that I was able to see him and I didn't know what to say. In reality, it was my fault but Jasper did it for a reason and I intend to find out later when he's no longer in trouble. He kept looking at me and smiled his big toothy grin, he was missing more teeth than me even though he was older, and I returned.


Heyoo!! Sorry for being a stranger
but I'm back. And I'm real sorry but I
just don't know how 4 year
olds talk so they talk like
adults, oh well sue me. But I hope that this
becomes more interesting.
With much love and appreciation, dia

The Boy Who Fell Too Hard ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora