7.heartbreaking news

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|| months later  ||

It's been a while since I received a message from Clementine. Or a call. Or a FaceTime. The last message she ever sent to me said "You're one of those people who make my life better just by being in it I hope you don't forget that" it was very out of the blue. She didn't give me an explanation not even a goodbye or a see you later. That's all she put. I just hope she's alright and that she's just busy living her life. She's begun to be very distant again.


Lately I've really been into talking to this girl that moved here just a couple of months ago. Her name is Amanda Richards. I met her when I joined our schools theatre group and we realized we had a lot of things in common and the rest is history.

I'm currently in one of the dress rehearsals of our current production, of course I'm just in the ensemble, but Amanda actually got one of the main roles and I couldn't be prouder of her. Today I was actually planning on asking her to be my girlfriend and will eventually ask her on a date.


Amanda has been the only girlfriend I've ever had in my entire life. We've been dating for a month. I cannot remember a time I was this happy. I sent a message to Clementine telling her to come see my first show, but she hasn't responded.


I entered my house to see my mother sitting down on the couch clutching the phone to her chest, tears were rolling down her cheeks I had no idea what had happened.

"Mom what's wrong?" I approached her sitting on the coffee table across from her.

"Something terrible happened-"

"To who."

"T-To Clementine."

"What happened to her?"

"She was sick. All this time she was sick and she never told us.Well for a couple of years she was struggling to battle with this cancer. Leukemia. And couple of months ago before she moved it started to progress very quickly. And the reason she moved was because her mother found this new treatment center that could really help, but it really didn't help so much and now we've lost her."

"What are you saying?" Tears began to roll down my cheeks.

"She passed away Jasper." My mom began to cry. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My heart completely stopped. The only person in this world who I loved with all my heart the only one who once understood the way I felt was now gone. I ran up stairs and headed straight to my room I could hear my mom yelling after me saying that we'll get through this, but right now I just needed to be alone. And to think that she never knew how I truly felt about her makes it even worse.

I soon began to remember the day when Clementine told me she was moving and I now realize why she didn't seem so upset over moving. But why didn't she ever tell me I would have cherished even the boring minutes with her if it meant she would still be here.

My whole body was sprawled across my bed I fell asleep crying and now I had a throbbing headache. Before I slept a began to remember the first day me and Clementine became best friends. We were in kindergarten and I took the blame for her mess, and when I was sitting out in timeout I took one look back at her. When I saw her I fell in love, and she smiled because she knew.


I'm sorry if the fast forwards made
you confused. But I just wanted to put it all on there.


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