5.its easier said than done

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"Honey, are you going to that dance in 2 weeks?" my mom asks not looking at me while folding the laundry which only makes it more suspicious.

"Yeah, why?" I asked unsure of her next response.

"Oh because I have some news to tell you."

"Good news or bad news?" I asked. My mom was really making me nervous now. She hasn't been like this since she told me why I don't get to see my dad anymore. But I was fine then and I'll be fine right now.

"Good and bad. I got a new job offer and it pays more-" She half smiled at me.

Immediately I hugged her,"That's great news mom."

"But the bad news is that it's not here-"

"We're moving?" my heart sunk from my chest I can't believe this, my whole life I've lived here and the only person that has ever mattered for me lives here. How will I break it to him?

"Yes honey, but please don't be to upset."

"I'm not. That much, but how am I going to tell Jasper? I just need time to think how I'm going to break it to him." I headed up to my room stumbling with every step I took. So many questions and thoughts were running through my head. The main one being Jasper.


"Tell me one more time." Both me and Jasper are in my room right now while I'm trying to break the news to him.

"It doesn't matter how many times I tell it to you. It's not going to change the fact that I'm moving."

"And why do you sound so okay with that." Jasper was right I was okay with moving the only true thing that I will miss is Jasper and there are so many ways to stay connected.

I explained it to him one more time and how we could still be in contact, but it was no use. He just kept denying it and I couldn't help but feel terrible. Did this make me a bad friend?

"Fine I get. I get it. So when are you leaving then?" He started to rub his temples.

"Wow. Happy to see me go aren't you?" I was actually hurt now, but I was just being sarcastic.

"No. It's not that it's just to know how long do we have to have to spend time together."

"Um 1 week."

"What!" Omg get up we are going to spend time together starting now we can not waste any more time."

"Oh so now that I'm leaving you want to spend time with me?" I sarcastically said throwing my pillow at him.

"Oh shut up." He threw it back to me.


For the past week, me and Jasper spent every day together. More than usual. I guess he couldn't bare the thought of me leaving. Everything was packed and ready to be moved. Everything except for my heart I just couldn't bear the thought of leaving the house that I grew up in.

"Honey are you ready to go?" My Mom was saying from outside while I was still inside looking around our unfurnished house just how it looked like when we first moved in.

After a couple of seconds I finally said yes. Jasper was outside now next to my mom I could see he was going to begin to cry.

"I'm real sorry that I won't be able to make it to the dance with you." I hugged him never wanting to let go.

"I don't care about the stupid dance. I just wanted to be with you that night." I kissed him on the cheek.

"Goodbye Jasper. Don't be a stranger."

"Dido. Call me as soon as you get there." We did our weird hand shake one last time.

"Yes Mom." I mocked him, something I won't be doing for a very long time.

I always knew deep down that Jasper had feelings for me, but I guess I always tried to deny it or cover it up by saying 'oh he's just being overprotective' and what not.

At that moment I just had to say "love you Jasper", but I didn't. I couldn't.

I was about to get into the car when Jasper blurted out, "I love you Clementine." I couldn't bring myself to say the words, but with the look I gave him I hoped he understood. Being my best friend meant he more than likely did understand.

All throughout the car ride I couldn't help but think if Jay hated me for leaving this way. But I just hoped he'd forget about me and move on. So that why I didn't call him when I got to my new house. Or the day after that. I was trying to distance myself for his own good. I should have told him the truth.


I tried to get straight to the point in this chapter. Sorry if you don't understand it or it's very confusing.


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