3. lover boy teddy

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I woke up to have the whole couch to myself. Jasper wasn't in the living room and it was already past nine in the morning so he'll probably be in the kitchen eating like always. That boy eats around the clock no wonder he's so big. And to my prediction I was correct.

"Good morning sleepy head. I fixed you breakfast. I know it's just a bowl of cereal, but it's the only thing I can't burn." At least he poured me my favorite, honey bunches of oats, not his trash of fruity pebbles.

"I like your effort." Today was a Saturday meaning there was no school. So we're either staying in and be our lazy selves or head to Jasper's house.

"Hey, my mom wants to know if you can come over tomorrow to help on getting Teddy's party ready." I almost forget about his little brothers birthday and I haven't gotten him anything.

"Yeah, but we're going shopping today."

"For?" He asked and placed his bowl in the sink.

"For Teddy, I haven't gotten him a present." I felt pretty bad.

"Oh come on you know that he'll be satisfied with you just being there. He loves you that much." I knew that was true.

"Come on we are going to the mall. So you are going to go home and get cleaned up while I do the same here. Now move! Move! Move!" I pushed him out the door.


"So what does teddy like?" I asked Jasper.

"I don't know." He retorted.

"His your brother how are you not going to know what he likes?"

"I don't know, he's in that stage in life where he thinks he's an adult but he's only eight years old. So let's see how about you buy him a tuxedo he's very into watching Law and Order. I think that's where he's thinking he's an adult."

"How many times have I told you Jasper do not let him watch the things you watch. Do you even think about how those things can mess his mind up? And we are not buying him a tux."

"Than what are you going to get him?"

"How about just a new video game?" Well, let's see which ones he doesn't have that boy owns almost a store full of video games.


Finally, I was at home and to myself. Jasper had gone home early because apparently, his mom needed help cooking. Which I don't understand if he can't cook and his mother knows it. Seems very suspicious.


Today is Teddy's birthday party. I can't even believe that he's nine years old already, I can still remember the day Mrs.McKay told us she was going to have another boy. That day Jasper and I began to look for baby names to help out his mom on choosing. I was the one who found Theodore and then we both screamed out 'Teddy' in unison. At that moment we both knew that we had to tell his mom about the name. Once she heard it she agreed to name him Teddy. And so Teddy was born. I guess that's why I have such an attachment to this little boy. That and because I am an only child.

I walked out of the kitchen to the backyard where the party was being held. Instantly all I saw was a bouncy house taking half of the space, but anything for Teddy am I right?

After a couple of minutes of me just wandering around I spotted Jasper with Teddy, but because they were talking I decided to wait until they finished. But me being me I just had to overhear what they were saying. Is it a crime to be concerned?

"Now Teddy how many times have I told you? You are turning nine years old today you are not thirty-two and owner of a great company. Now behave like a nine-year-old and enjoy your party child." I laughed at Jay's remark.

"Fine, but can I tell you something?"

"Sure buddy."

"Clementine is mine, Jasper. I'm watching you." He did that thing of pointing two fingers to his eyes and then to Jaspers. He then turned and saw me and ran to hug me.

"Hey, Teddy." I had to squat down because he was short and because I'm currently wearing a dress.

"Hi, Clementine," he smiled his toothy grin to me, I swear this boy is the cutest.

"Happy Birthday Teddy. And before you ask I already put your present over there." We both laughed.

"You didn't have to. I would've been happy with you just being here." I looked at Jasper and he gave me that 'I told you so' look.

"I wanted to."

"Clementine I love you."

"I love you too Teddy. Now go back to your party." He left agreeing. I went back to Jasper. "So where's that food you said you helped your mom make?" Let's see if he was actually saying the truth.

"In the trash. Come on we both know that I don't know how to cook, but my mom sure loves to remind me."

"That's tragic." I began to laugh.

"Hey come with me."

"What about the party?"

"We'll come back."


"Promise." He began to lead me into the house and up the stairs.

"So where are we going? Oh did you finally find that secret room I told you I felt there is."

"No, not yet I'm still trying to find it though. We are going to my room." I'm just hoping that it clean now unlike last time where he had rotting food in a corner. We entered his room and it was surprisingly very clean. I mean he does spend the majority of his time in my house nowadays. He went into one of his drawers and pickers out something I couldn't tell it was until he turned around. And I saw a long box in his hands.

"Open it," he said. So I did. And when I did I found a necklace with a beautiful locket.

"Jasper, what is this for?" I asked, my breath was completely taken away at how beautiful it was.

"For always being there for me and Teddy. He's actually the one who picked it out." At age nine and this kid already has better taste than me. But then I remembered it was a locket so I opened it and I found a picture of all three of us. Jasper, Teddy, and me. It was the day we went to the pumpkin patch with both our families.

"Aww, Jasper this is so cute."

"Here let me put this on you." I turned around and picked up my hair. The necklace felt beautiful on my skin and I had to go out and give my thanks to Teddy.

"Let's go outside I want to thank Teddy."



The Boy Who Fell Too Hard ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz