4.my knight in shinning armour

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It's been about two months since school began. Which means it's October. Which means it's homecoming season. Which means it's football season. For a girl I sure do love playing and watching football. I just can't wait until our first game this Friday. Jasper is probably going to want to go more early to get good seats this time. Unfortunately, Jasper didn't want to try out for the football team this year until next year for god knows what reason.


"Don't take forever Cleo we don't have all afternoon to waste."Jasper has been here since school got out, he hasn't even changed and he's telling me to already hurry up when we barely got here. This boy is really turning into my mother. I swear.

"Clementine Alicia Reynolds go to your room and change your clothes before we're late to the game. Now!"

"Fine Mom!" I yelled and headed to my room to do as told.

After half an hour of trying out so many outfits and not liking any of them, I decided on a white crop top with dark blue Hollister high waisted jeans. And of course, to top all that off I wore some black vans. But because I needed this one thing to complete my outfit I just had to call Jasper upstairs.

"Jasper! Come up here!" I hope he heard me. Soon enough I heard footsteps coming.

"You yelled?" He asked while leaning on the doorway.

"Yeah, I did. Do you still have that Varsity jacket from when you did play?"

"Of course."

"And do you know where it is?"

"Kind of. I mean I know it's in my room but-"

"Don't worry I'll look for it and oh yeah I'm borrowing it."

"No need to ask what's mine is your's." He just stood there blocking my entrance.

"Weren't you all worried that we were going to be late?" As if he just remembered that we had plans he heads downstairs almost jogging. "Slow down you're going to end up falling off the stai-" and just like if it was right on cue he rolled down the stairs. "Don't wanna say I told yah so, but, I told you so now get up we have to head to your house real quick."


Finally after an hour of looking for that sweater, before Mrs.McKay told us it was in the hallways closet, my outfit was complete.

We were about to sit down on the bleachers when I screamed out, "So was it worth it getting here way too early?"

"You tell me." He pointed towards the field and for the first time, Jasper was actually right, for once in his life he was actually right. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Jasper looked at me straight in the eyes that's when I knew this was serious.

"Sure. What is it?" I responded nonchalantly.

"If neither of us has a date for homecoming. Do you want to go with each other?" Oh no, he was now giving me the 'please' look that consisted of him flashing his long lashes and quivering his lip. He knew i could never say no to that.

"Yeah. Totally. Do you want anything from the snack bar?"

"Um sure bring me some nachos won't yah doll face."

"Aye aye captain."

There was barely any room to walk through the bleachers, but I managed. That was until this jerk ass decided to stand up causing me to tip over him and land in the arms of no other than Derrick. Quick introduction Derrick is a guy I use to have a crush on up until I found out he liked Rachel. Rachel my friend or so I thought, and since that day I have never spoken a word to either of them. That and because if I don't have a real reason to speak to you, why should I?

"Well if it isn't the angel who fell from the sky." He remarked. I was still entangled in his long arms and the more I tried to stand up the more they felt getting tighter around me.

"Well if it ain't the devil who has risen from hell." I never had a thing with his annoying side.

"Cute baby face. Now where is that boyfriend of yours? What's his face? Jake?" He was toying with me.

"His name is Jasper and he's not my boyfriend. Now let me go before I make your balls purple just like last time."

"Woah calm down feisty. I was just trying to have a normal conversation with you, but it seems all you want to do is get in my pants again."

"Ugh as if." He planted that rumor so that the rest of the guys at school would start to believe that I would open my business for anyone. And truth be told we didn't even go all the way. He was just to drunk to remember. To remember that I took him home and his mother almost killed me instead of him. "Let go of me Derrick or this time I will get the police involved."

"Involved in what?"

"I'll get a restraining order from you. Now let me go before I start screaming at the top of my lungs or so help me god."

"Give me one good reason. Maybe I'll just take you home again." I decided to stop struggling since it was no use.

Then all of a sudden Jasper appears in front of us, "I believe she said to let her go."

"Oh yeah we'll get in line James."

"My name is not James."

"Oh sorry Jake."

"It's Jasper you god damn air head."

Before I knew it Derrick let go of me and I dropped to the floor almost beginning to roll down the stairs thanks to Jasper. "What the fuck did you call me?" Oh he doesn't care when he calls me shit but he gets offended when someone calls him an airhead. What did I ever see in him?

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