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Selena Patterson sat in her best friend Sandy Owens' bedroom eating ice cream.

"You know, tomorrow is the 1st, meaning we have to go back to school." Sandy said casually as she ate a spoonful of strawberry ice cream.

Selena let out a snort and quickly swallowed the coffee ice cream in her mouth. "I know, otherwise it would be really awkward having said goodbye to my parents a few days ago until I see them at Christmas." She looked at Sandy amused.

Sandy rolled her eyes, "I was going to say that we should do something tonight, considering it's our last night of freedom!" She threw her hands in the air dramatically, her now empty bowl of ice cream fell into her lap.

"You make it sound like we're going off to war." Selena raised her eyebrows.

Sandy rolled her eyes again, before she stood and placed her bowl on her desk. "I heard there's a party in Surrey, a muggle boy our age is hosting it." Sandy leaned against the desk and faced Selena.

Selena sighed and stood, she placed her empty bowl beside Sandy's. Biting her lip, she stood in front of her friend and crossed her arms.

"What about your dad?" Selena asked as her pale grey eyes drifted to the closed door.

"He's working late at the ministry." Sandy answered straightening her spine.

"We'd have to be back before he gets home, otherwise he'll have both our necks." Selena began chewing on her lip.

"Is that a yes?" Sandy grinned.

Selena sighed, before she nodded.

"Yes!" Sandy cheered and threw her fist into the air.

Selena laughed as Sandy pushed her onto the bed and dashed into her closet.

She walked back out a few minutes later and threw a red button down dress, jean jacket, and black combat boots at Selena before she opened her door and walked to the bathroom.

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Selena placed the boots on the floor and held the dress in front of her, a small smile crept onto her faces before she pushed herself up and changed.

After putting the dress on, she buttoned it up and pulled the jean jacket on, she sat down on the bed, the mattress creaked with her added weight.

As she leaned down and pulled one of the black boots on, the bedroom door opened and Sandy walked in carrying the clothes she had been wearing.

Selena glanced up as she slipped the other boot on and began lacing it up.

Sandy's short blonde locks hung loosely on her shoulders, framing her freckled face perfectly, she wore a thin strapped black dress with yellow flowers on it, and a white t-shirt underneath.

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