Chapter Four, Dungbombs and Coffee Robes.

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✵Chapter Four, Dungbombs and Coffee Robes ✵

:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧:・゚✧ *:・

Sunlight poured into the dormitory, casting a golden glow around the room where the girls slept.

It was early morning, and everyone else was still resting as they had three hours until classes started. Everyone, expect Selena.

Selena sat in her four poster bed, combing through her damp hair with her fingers. She had awoken early and showered, she was tired, but had found herself unable to continue laying in bed.

She was shaking with nerves for the upcoming term, chewing her lip, her leg bounced lightly as it hung off the bed, the scarlet rug soft beneath her bare feet.

She finished combing through her hair, and grabbed the brown butterfly hair clip in front of her laying on top of the unmade cream colored sheets. Picking it up, she opened it and twisted her hair, pushing it against the back of her head, she placed the clip on and felt it scratch her scalp as it secured in place.

She sighed in frustration as a lock of hair slipped free and fell into her face, she tucked it behind her ear and picked up the red and gold striped tie from where it sat folded on top of the black robe.

Slipping the tie around her neck, she stood and looked down as she tied it, tucking it beneath the collar of her shirt, she reached forward and picked up the black robe she had to wear over her skirt and cream shirt.

Leaning down, she slipped her black shoes onto her feet, the material soft under the slippery fabric of her black tights.

She gathered her school books she would need for the upcoming morning of classes, and put them into her bag before slinging it over her shoulder.

Glancing up, she could see the four poster beds that belonged to Sandy, Anastasia, Quinn, and Andy were still drawn closed, the soft snoring of Anastasia echoed through the cool room.

Snickering slightly, Selena slipped from the room and down the staircase.

The common room was very warm as the large windows had the curtains drawn open, allowing the brilliant blue sky to be seen.

The faint embers in the fireplace flickered within, Selena walked across the room, towards the portrait hole. The carpeted floor was squishy under her shoes, and dust floated through the air, able to be seen as the early morning sun caught it in the light.

Selena reached her hand out, and pushed the wooden frame of the portrait, climbing through the hole, she walked forward a few steps and turned to look at the Fat Lady as the door shut.

She looked ready to question why someone had awoken her so early, her features were irritated and her hair slightly tousled from her sleeping position by the archway behind her, her face still showing small spots of pink, and Selena could tell the Fat Lady must have been spending time with her friend, Violet, gossiping and drinking as they tended to do after the students were tucked safely away in their houses.

Selena opened her mouth to greet the woman who hid the common room from other houses, but thought better of it as The Fat Lady placed a hand to her temple, more than likely dealing with the after affects of drinking..

Instead of a vocal greeting, Selena settled for a smile and wave, before she turned and walked down the corridor in the direction of the moving staircases.

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