Chapter Seven, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.

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✵Chapter Seven, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang.✵

:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧:・゚✧ *:・

Selena awoke early the next day, her excitement keeping her from getting more than a few hours sleep, she could feel the pleasant anticipation that lingered in the air as everyone awaited the arrivals of the other schools.

The day sped by fairly quickly, she attended her classes, )none of which she could truly focus on properly,) and then, once the bell had rung signaling the end of the school day, she and Sandy grabbed their bags, and left the dungeons in a hurry.

Running up the stairs from the dungeons, Selena's face was bright as she and Sandy ran through the halls and up the stairs to Gryffindor tower.

Dropping their bags and school books off in the dormitory, they grabbed their thick, warm cloaks, and darted back out into the corridors.

Selena fastened her cloak as she ran alongside Sandy, both girls were bursting with the excitement of seeing the two new schools.

They began to slow down as they descended down the stairs to the entrance hall, where Professor McGonagall had instructed the Gryffindor students to meet her.

The heads of houses were there with their students, ordering them into lines.

"Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing out of your hair." Professor McGonagall was saying to a forth year girl, as Sandy and Selena joined the line where they saw their friends.

"Hey," Andy whispered to her cousin and Selena as they joined her. Andy was glancing around the 5th years in front of her, her eyes following Professor McGonagall as the elder woman walked along them.

Selene felt a light tap on her shoulder, and she glanced back to see Fred and George grinning at her. "Hello Sel!" They greeted brightly.

Selena smiled dryly at them, she reached up and straightened her hat on top of her head. "Hello boys."

She could see that Anastasia and Quinn stood towards the back of the line of 6th years, Anastasia was watching Selena speaking with the twins, her lips pressed into a thin line as she glared daggers at the other girl.

Selena rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to the Weasley boys, "where's Lee?" She asked with furrowed brows.

The twins exchanged a look, their eyes sparkling in mischief. "Haven't seen him," Fred rocked back k and forth on his heels, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his robes as he grinned at Selena.

"Nor have I, though I'm sure he'll turn up." George added, with a grin ideantal to his brother's, his eyes trailed to Andy, who stood speaking in hushed tones with Sandy.

Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, Selena faced forward once more as McGonagall spoke; "follow me please. First years in front... No pushing."

There was a bit of a commotion among the 6th years as Professor McGonagall led them out of the entrance hall, and down the steps. Selena stumbled forward on the last step, nearly knocking Sandy over in as she felt someone knock into her from behind.

"Ow!" Hissed Sandy as she grabbed Andy's shoulder to keep her balance, she looked back at Selena in puzzlement as they straightened, all too aware of the 7th years grumbling about how they were holding up the line.

Selena strightend, looking over her shoulder with a scowl, only to raise her eyebrows in school as she saw Lee Jordan standing behind her, a sheepish expression on his face as he leaned back ever so slightly, afraid of the girl's wrath.

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