Chapter 7: Great, Another School Day

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"Get up."


"Come on, get out of bed already."

"I don't want toooooo."

"Fine." And then he took the pillow from underneath my head and smacked me with it.

"Jokes on you, because I have 49 other pillows on this bed," I said as I grabbed another pillow to sleep with.

"Just get up already," he complained. "You're going to make me late."

"Why do I have to come with you," I grumbled.

"We've been over this," he replied, exasperated. "If my parents come home and find a random stranger in the house-"

"They will get me thrown in jail, yeah, yeah, I know."

"Then why do you keep asking?"

I stayed silent for a second. "Because it distracts you from getting me out of bed," I said, hiding a smile from him.

"Of course," he said, annoyance in his tone, and ripped the comforter off the bed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed as I sat up.

"You weren't getting up, so I helped you along," he said making his way towards the door. "Oh, and I go to a private school so we have to wear uniforms, so I put a set on the couch for you. And yes, you have to wear it," and with that, he walked out the door.

I groaned for the hundredth time I've done that this morning, and rubbed my eyes. I feel like a garbage truck hit me, so the effects of last nights fire bath had worn off. I don't even know how I did that.

I got up to go find the uniform Pax laid out for me on the couch. It was the standard private school uniform you can imagine. There was a crisp, baby blue, button-down polo shirt with a dark blue plaid tie with a matching plaid skirt. Great I have to wear a skirt. I am definitely not a skirt kind of gal. When I put on the skirt, oh jeez, it was way too short for my liking. I know that's how it was supposed to be, but you could almost see my underwear. Ok, not almost, it went halfway above my knee, but that is too short for a skirt! It could fly up at any moment.

After I got over the skirt issue, I re-braided my hair into its normal dutch braids, went downstairs, grabbed an orange for breakfast, and headed out to the car where Pax was waiting.

"Where do you get all these clothes from anyways?" I asked him once I was in the car.

"Oh, well one time I had this huge party at my house and invited the whole school, but someone decided to bring a whole bunch of drinks. When I was picking up the next morning, I found about ten pairs of outfits from girls. My guess is that they were too drunk to even remember they showed up wearing them."

"And your parents were okay with you having a full-blown party and people getting drunk," I asked.

Pax's jaw tightened as we drove on, letting me know that I had hit a sensitive target, and I instantly regretted asking the question.

"My parents are almost never home," he replied, letting me know that the subject was to be dropped.

We sat in awkward silence for ten minutes, me trying figure out what to say, and I don't know what Pax was doing.

"Soooo," I started. "Where exactly are we? I forgot to ask you yesterday."

"Oh,"  he said. "We are in Franklin, North Carolina."

"WHAT!!!" I practically screamed my head off, while also giving Pax a heart attacked judging by the way he slammed on his brakes, which I then realized was because I caused him to swivel and almost run head-on into another car. That would not have been fun.

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