Chapter eight

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You woke up the next morning with a hangover that maybe wasn't the worse you'd ever had, but it was definitely up there. But waking up in that room was something else, you simply felt like a princess in the large bed, the sun peeping through the curtains ever so slightly.

Your hands brushed the sheets, noticing they felt different. They were softer than usual and the room seemed warmer. slowly you blinked a few times until your eyes opened enough to see that the sheets were, in fact, a darker colour and the duvet was a simple black one, while you were surrounded with fluffy pillows. It definitely wasn't your room.

This room looked fit for a king, a dark king at that.

With a small groan, you ran a hand through your knotted hair, tugging at the ends before small flashes started to come back from the night before. Dancing with Haz, playing pool, getting carried up to bed by Tom and even mentioning your mother. Luckily your shirt was still on, or more so his shirt that he'd let you borrow after your pool activities yesterday.

The spot next to you was empty but it was obvious that someone had slept there overnight, Tom be to exact. The sheets were still messily pulled back, pillows scattered around and there was the slight aroma of a manly cologne drifting over onto your side. He'd been soft last night, going along with your drunk shenanigans and practically tucked you into bed.

It was a fun night, you'd give him that and you even briefly remembered kicking a guy in his manhood for flirting but you felt hammered to the bone, so of course, you didn't hesitate to down two of the painkillers he'd left beside you.

Stretching your arms up, you sighed, regretting the fact that you'd left your phone in your room and now had to get up only moments after waking, but before you could get up your hand hit a piece of paper, the thin material popping beneath your hands.

For a moment you thought that maybe Tom had left it, explaining that he was in his office or letting you know that there were painkillers besides you but that thought quickly diminished when you flipped it over, bold, black letters on the paper.

They were threatening, plain and simple and if you didn't go into shock mode you would've screamed, or at least attempted to throw it onto the other side of the bed. Instead, you sat and gripped the note and stared until common sense kicked in, with a shaky hand you threw back the covers, your legs became exposed to the cold and with Tessa trailing behind you ran straight to Toms office.

Your fist hit the door repeatedly and if it weren't locked you swore you would've barged right on it but you kept knocking, despite the gruff 'Go away!'s and 'It's looked for a reason'. But you kept knocking to the point where Tom shoved his seat back so hard it hit the wall, the photos shaking slightly.

Tom ripped the door open, a frustrated look on his face and he swore before his hand even gripped the handle that whoever it was would be punished for pulling him away from his work so rudely. "This better be fu-, Y/N? What the hell do-" He was expecting it to be one of his men, not you standing there pencil stiff looking dead scared.

You shoved the note against his chest, your hand shaking violently as you held it there until he grabbed it out of your hand. "What the fuck is this? I remember telling you about her, about my mum and you-, and I wake up and you're- you're gone and this is laying on your side of the bed" You hiccuped, a sob escaping your quivering lips.

This wasn't like you, not at all but the fact that someone had snuck into your room and stayed there long enough to leave that beside you, gotten close enough to you that the note was practically touching you without any of Tom's men noticing made you petrified.

Tom took the note roughly from your hand, absolutely oblivious to what was written on the paper and takes a moment to take in your tear stained cheeks, panting and shaking hands. He wanted to take your hand, to promise that whatever it was, it would be okay but he knew that it was serious by the way you reacted so maybe that wasn't the best thing to do right now.

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