The Tale of the Young Wolf

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Sheila is a young girl that lives on a farm with her father, Lucas Barshone. Sheila's mother was always traveling to other parts of Europe to gain inspiration for her books. This week, Mrs. Barshone decided to go to Spain, and visit Barcelona to see how futbol is played. Lucas never minded these travels, as it meant more time to spend with his lovely daughter.

Growing into your teenage years is never easy. Sheila hated having periods every month. Having hair in unusual places seemed weird. And she did not want to get pregnant. Yet, the thing that scared her the most is when her grandmother told her three years ago to be careful of full moons once she turns thirteen.

One day, Lucas went out to go chop the heads off some chickens while, Sheila stayed inside to make some waffles for breakfast. Everything started out normal until a sudden vision entered into her mind, showing a wolf in a forest. The wolf ran around playfully in the forest. When the wolf stared back at her, the vision ended.

Sheila caught her breath, it was as if she had just come out of the water for air. Everything in the room looked different, even the walls, floor, windows, and sunlight streaming in through the windows. Was it because time passed by?

No. Sheila's life was starting to change. When she looked down at her hands, she immediately noticed they were slightly bigger and longer; both her palms and fingers. Not only that but, she even noticed her feet grew a bit. When she went to the mirror to see her face, she picked up immediately that her eyes were now green instead of brown, and her hair was about an inch shorter. In that moment, she felt like she was either going crazy or was becoming a freak.

By the time Lucas came inside, carrying a white apron covered in blood and feathers, Sheila's body had changed again. She grew an inch taller. Is puberty a good enough explanation for these sudden body changes? Only one way to find out. That is, if he notices them.

Luckily for Sheila, Lucas did not notice a thing. He was too hungry. Even after he finished eating lunch, he didn't see anything different with his own daughter. Instead, he just asked her how things were going, and if she was getting her summer reading done. It's tough to read when your body is going through rapid changes.

Nevertheless, Sheila decided not to stress too much about her body, and instead do some reading, as she was supposed to do. Who knows? Might help calm her nerves.

Eventually, Sheila felt that everything was okay. No more growth spurts. Eyes still green (that took a while to get used to). Hair still short. And the rest of her body stayed the same as well. Yet, her dreams continued to revolve around the same wolf from the vision she had not too long ago.

The dreams became more vivid with each passing month. The wolf grew bigger every full moon; strangely her body grew around this time too. Sheila knew she should talk to someone about all of this, but she wasn't sure who to go to about this weird situation. By the end of the year, she no longer felt that she was Sheila anymore.

Late one night, Sheila had a dream that she was the wolf, running through a vast, thin forest. Feeling the dirt on her paws was a new sensation yet, it was an old one. Seeing the world through wolf eyes seemed new too, except it also seemed that this was how she should be seeing the world. All the while, she was experiencing a new freedom as the wolf's body carried her spirit through the woods.

When morning slow came into view, Sheila still ran through the woods as a wolf. The sun continued to rise high into the sky, and Sheila just kept running, even after she reached the edge of the forest. Eventually, a tiny house could be seen in the far distance. It got to regular size in a short amount of time, and Sheila soon realized that it was her house. Her father came out of the house ready for another day of work. Sheila dashed over to her father to say good morning, forgetting that she was still a wolf.

Immediately, Lucas thought the wolf was charging at him for a breakfast meal. So, he ran back inside to grab his rifle. Sheila, as a wolf, sat in front of the house confused. Wondering why her father had run away from her. Then, she soon remembered that she was a wolf when her father came out with a rifle.

Sheila ran as fast as she could away from her father's rifle. In the end, she was not quick enough, and was shot in the leg. She let out a painful cry. Nevertheless, she continued to trudge onward with a busted leg. Each step brought on more agony. It was bad enough she was being hunted by her own dad.

Miraculously, the bullet came out of Sheila's thigh as the wound started to close up and heal, allowing her to dash under a truck. The best thing she could do right now is wait until she returns back to being a regular human girl again. That moment coming to come to fruition stood still as the only thought in her mind.

Lucas shouted at the wolf to come out from under his truck. Of course, the yelling did nothing. Still, he was persistent on getting the wolf out. So, he decided to get on the ground to take a shot in a relaxed position. Except, when he did, all he could see was a frightened human girl, sobbing to herself as cowered under his truck naked. That young, teenage girl was his daughter. 

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