The Lovely Announcement

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"Enjoy the better days in your life! Try not to feel down. We can help you feel happy!" That's what an announcement called out from a zeppelin a few weeks ago. Pretty strange thing to promise without any proof. Clearly a scam.

"Crazy stuff. Am I right, Zoya?" my dear friend asked me, smirking at the idea of a quick way to get happy.

I nodded, understanding how silly it all is. "Yes, Cayetano. You're absolutely right," I replied, without expressing a sour attitude.

Cayetano scoffed at the zeppelin, then took my hand, and together we resumed to walking down a casually comforted street that oversees the ocean. The beach is quite beautiful, not a lot of people go here so, litter rarely ever touches it. We are currently heading over to a seafood restaurant; seafood ain't that bad, it can actually taste pretty good if you're open to it.

~Ten minutes later~

"Here you go," Cayetano said, as he held the door open for me.

I walked right in, not minding the kind gesture. I have been hanging out with Cayetano for way too long to care about saying "thanks" or "excuse you" every time a small gesture is proposed.

"Cayetano, Zoya!" The loud calls caught me off guard. I'm not sure if I'll ever get used to Hannah shouting my name so excitedly like that.

Cayetano walked straight up to her, and shook her hand while, giving her a friendly smile. "Hi Hannah, it's good to see ya."

"It's so good to see the both of you! Did you two hear about that new company called, Lylo Tech?" Hannah asked, still holding a giddy smile. She is honestly always like this, an open person that seems to be happy most of the time. It's kind of funny how she reminds me so much of a nature person just because she wears colorful dresses, and wooden wedges all the time.

"Yeah, they are clearly trying to scam people. It's all a bunch of bull, I tell ya what," said Cayetano, expressing himself with full certainty that Lylo Tech is a garbage company.

I for one agree wholeheartedly. Companies like that are always trying to screw people over. As if they actually cared about our problems. What a bad joke. Good thing Cayetano and I are not gullible people.

"True. But, they are holding a party at a lease building this weekend. It could end up being a lot of fun! You two should go with me!" Hannah said excitedly. Her fists were all balled up, held close to her chest as her body vibrated with anticipation that we might say "yes". "Come on you two, I'm sure you'll enjoy it."

Cayetano and I both shrug our shoulders as we turn to look each other in the eye. I can tell he is clearly thinking that he does not want to go but, at the same time it might be a good idea to watch over our dear friend, Hannah. I nod, letting him know that I agree. Shit.

~Three days later~

Flats, check. Hair done, check. Mouth washed, check. Good attire for the party, check. I think I am ready to go hang out with some new people at a party I don't want to go to.

~Five minutes later~

Car and house keys, check. Hannah's text saying she is already there, check. Caytento's text saying he's hating that he is on his way to hell, check. I think I am ready to go hang out with some new people at a party I don't want to go to. Déjà vu...

~One hour later~

Oh well, I'm late for the party. I'm surprised Hannah hasn't called or texted me, asking where I am. Either way, this building is rather huge; must be twenty-five stories high. Woah! Yuck, what is that smell?

Where is the smell coming from? The building? It's sort of faint so, there must be a few sleezeballs in there with bad cologne. There will always be a handful of douchebags at a public party. *Sigh*

*Zoya shrugged her shoulders, deciding to think nothing of the smell. She took a few steps more, opened the door, and was to ready mingle on the dance floor. Only problem is that, when she opened the door...*

"What the fuck?!" I said out loud. Nobody is here... Not even Hannah or Cayetano are here. And they texted me earlier that they had already arrived at this building. Hannah even went on a tangent about wonderful people that she had already while dancing in this building. Wait a minute...

An open door? Is the party behind that door? Underground party, above ground party, or trap. At least the light are on. I'll go take a peek behind that door but, if nobody is behind that door, then I am out like the gout.

*Zoya carefully made her way to the open door. Just as she said before, she took a peak behind the door. There were no sign of life, no party decorations, and none of the lights were on. Zoya knew better than to go somewhere creepy, and decided to leave the building.*

~The next morning~

Okay, let's check out my newsfeed. Andrew's birthday is tomorrow. Mom bought a new plant for her garden. My cousin Raj is going to Spain for the summer. Woah! No way!

*Tears started to stream from Zoya's eyes.*

They are dead! Both of them! My friends are dead! NOOOOOOOO!

*The party really was a trap. Yet, at least everyone died with a smile on their faces.*

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