My Ghost, Before I Die

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It all started last week, in a small town called, Shrewsbury. Not much goes on in this area. In fact, a lot of teenagers, and young adults hate living here because of how boring it is. I would know, I'm one of them. I hated how we didn't even have a movie theatre or a drive-in. At least, there's a bunch of restaurants that each offered different kinds of food from around the world.

Thing is, everything changed when a guy in a Hawaiian shirt came running out of a forest, claiming to have seen a ghost of himself. Naturally, we all thought he was crazy. I for one thought the idea of seeing your own ghost had to be a bunch bull shit. How is it even possible to see a ghost of yourself before you're dead?

We were all in for a surprise when we saw a floating man coming from the forest. He too was wearing a Hawaiian shirt. I'll never forget that ghostly man's face. Those brown eyes were lit with pure joy for madness, as if they were longing for something terrible to come to life. The smile looked morbidly obese, so shallow, longing for the wickedness to enter in. That ghost's face showed the darker half of the man that was running past us.

Many people in the crowd were screaming. Others tried to find ways to fight it. It was odd though, it did not come for anyone except for the man that was running into a yarn store. Odd place to hide into but, can't be picky in panicky situation.

I couldn't help but stand still, and stare in disbelief as I saw the ghost chase after his own human in the yarn store. It wasn't long before it captured him. I nearly puked after watching the ghost climb into the man's body. What happened next was absolutely disgusting.

The man's body begun to convulse, shaking about in mid-air. Blood streamed down from his ears, eyes, nose, mouth fingernails, and even his asshole, as well as his dick hole. Then, the body exploded, leaving gut stains all over the walls, and windows. I ended up puking all over the side of the street.

I remember seeing so many people panicking in the streets, wondering what to do. Some people questioned if it was the end of the world. I sort of believed it. It took more evidence for the idea to fully sink into my head. Hope still lingered in my heart.

More ghosts came from within the depths of the forest, each having the same bizarre faces as the first. It was hard to shake the grip anxiety had on my body but, I managed to break free, quickly running to my house. I remember looking back for a brief moment while running to the house. There she was, my ghost, with that nasty grin on her chaos-thirsty face.

Seeing that grotesque version of me, propelled my legs to go faster, and allowing me to outpace the ghost as I reached the front lawn of my house. I nearly tripped over the curb but, it's a good thing I have long arms which, kept me from falling as my hand caught part of the fence. I kept on running up the paved pathway, daring not to look back again.

After slamming the door shut, I made sure to lock it. Due to quick thinking, I raced around the house to make sure every door, and window was locked. That's when the thought struck. Ghosts can go through walls, and doors. Shit.

As soon as I opened up the curtains to see what was going on outside, my ghostly face appeared in front of the window. Strange thing is, she didn't do anything, except stare into the house. The ghost did not make a single attempt into entering my home, she just floated in front of the window. When I ran upstairs to my room, there she was outside my bedroom window.

One question entered into my mind: "Are these ghosts unable to enter into houses?"

Turns out, that guess was right. The next morning, I woke up to see my ghost staring into my room, smiling directly at me. It stayed that way throughout the whole day, even into the night. Food and water supplies started running low after a week had passed by. I was pretty sure I was going to die of starvation before the ghost killed me.

Here I am now, sitting alone in my living room, waiting for death to come. The ghost stares at me, and I stare at the rope. Suicide can't be that bad. My stomach won't shut up. The constant thirst for water is annoying. And I am tired of that damn ghost taunting me. I just can't take it anymore. 

Campfire Horror Stories Vol. 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon