The Monster Upstairs

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Love and Anxiety sure are a weird combo yet, joy plus fear isn't. Before the last day of the semester was up for Yorkshire University, Mateo brought up enough courage to ask his girlfriend, Chloe, to come over to his place this weekend; his parents were out on vacation. True to his word, he planned no parties this weekend to both mom and dad but, he never had to agree on not allowing Chloe to come visit for some tender, love, and care.

Mateo felt rather nervous when asking her out. Obviously he would be up to no good with such a beautiful girlfriend, who has long, thick legs that fit snug and tightly in tiny jean shorts; tight, plump ass that jiggled with each step she took; a tiny waist with a flat tummy due to all the running she did during the week; perky tits; cute, brown eyes; and long, curly red hair that shined ever so brightly under the sun. Mateo always told her that she could be a model but, she would always retort with the fact that she is too clumsy in heels.

Mateo always planned on moving out of the house by the time university classes were over for good, and getting a studio apartment with Chloe. He was already saving up a decent amount of money on the side while, working at a gas station on vacations and at the library on campus. Not everything goes according to plan, though.

Here comes the night. Here comes the moon. Here comes the other stars. Here comes the late the predators that don't get the worm. Mateo and Chloe are casually sitting on a living room couch, watching a romance film to help get the mood going in full swing.

"Hey Chloe," Mateo begun to say as he swung his arm around Chloe. "You look so beautiful tonight in your flowery dress. Maybe we can do a little cuddlingus when the movie is over."

Chloe bit her lower lip for a quick bit, unsure of what to say. She rubbed her hands together in a shy fashion, looking over at her boyfriend with uncertain eyes. "Ummm, I don't know..."

Mateo found her actions to be so cute in that moment, that he leaned over to kiss her lips. "I am the luckiest man alive," he said while staring deeply into her eyes. He reached over, enclosing his hand within hers, and brought them up as he kissed her lips once more.

Just out of blatant curiosity, Chloe unclenched her fingers, and pushed Mateo's fingers up to compare hands. "Aww! The tip of your fingers only reach the middle of my intermediate phalanges," she said, giggling at how much bigger her hand is than her boyfriend's hand. "My hands are so monstrous!"

In that instant of such a high claim, a creaking sound came from one of the rooms up in the second floor. Mateo tore his eyes away from Chloe's hand, and tried to search for what made the noise. "Probably just the wind," he claimed in an uncertain tone.

Chloe shrugged, deciding to resume comparisons with her boyfriend. "Hold on, let me see your foot for a quick second," Chloe said, lifting up his foot to compare with her hand. "Oh my gosh! They are the same size! My hands are monster sized!"

When Chloe finished her statement, another creaking sound came from up above. Mateo knew that checking what's going on upstairs is the ring thing to do but, he wanted to stay on the couch to get a gigantic handjob. Of course, Mateo got up from the couch, and went up the stairs with a baseball bat.

The mystery that lurked behind each door made the walk up the stairs a lot more intense than it should be. There were no longer any noises coming from any of the rooms. Goosebumps went up Mateo's arms as he went to check his bedroom first. Nothing. Not one single suspicious thing in the closet either. The whole second floor was empty of threats. After putting his mind at ease, he put the baseball bat next to the front door, and hopped onto the couch to get to business with his girlfriend.

"Oh gosh, I think I had a nasty panic attack upstairs. The only cure for this intense anxiety is pure love," Mateo said, pushing Chloe's body onto the cushions. She started to giggle. He giggled a little bit too before craning his neck to kiss her lips.

Chloe wrapped her arms around Mateo's body, giving him as much love as she could. The loving gradually grew bigger, causing the tension from before to be forgotten. Then, out of nowhere, Mateo started to hear his girlfriend chuckle. It didn't take long for him to figure out why she was laughing.

"Awww-haha-aww. That tickles! Cut it out," Chloe exclaimed. She reached over to stop Mateo's hands but, instead of feeling human hands, she had felt cold, scaly hands. 

Mateo scooted up on the couch, putting his body in front of Chloe. 

Chloe and Mateo stared up to see a shadowed man that stood in front of the railing.

"A monster..." Mateo said under his breath.

"No! I am not a monster!" The monster shouted out loud. 

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