The Tale of Suzy's Dummy

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Lazlo, a simple wooden human that is quite harmless. A friendly smile, blue eyes, wavy blonde hair, and a nice black suit. Suzy, the dummy's creator, had brought the lifeless, wooden man to a manor owned by a famous witch. Thing is, she had always wanted to bring one of her dummies to live, especially after hearing that the witch of Raven Manor could perform various spells to bring certain inanimate objects to life. There was doubt, obviously, but after seeing a doll doing everyday activities in a nearby city, the rumor became reality.

The witch was willing to bring Lazlo to life, but at a cost. A part of Suzy's soul was needed to pull this off. Suzy simply shrugged, and allowed the witch to take a part of her soul to bring her dummy to life. Within minutes, the dummy could finally move about on it's own, and even able to communicate through actual human speech.

Suzy had died at an early age. People that knew her figured that karma had finally caught up to her but, not because of bringing life to a wooden dummy. Oh no! It's actually due to the misdeeds she carried out in her younger days. In that time, she was known as the thief of Yorkshire.

Lazlo was eventually given to the next of kin. A son, by the name of Andrew. After a couple months of owning the dummy, he too died an early death. Eventually, the dummy was put up for sale at an antique showing in a museum. A woman in her late fifties bought him at a decent price. Lazlo did not like the idea of being bought like a slave or some kind of toy. The unlucky lady had died only a few weeks after buying the dummy.

Suzy's dummy has not be seen for the past few centuries. One may wonder where the serial killer has gone. A couple detectives have tried to find this wooden villain but, luck was not on their side. It took a couple centuries for the heinous murderer to be forgotten, and only a couple decades for him to reach fame as a comedian in China. 

I heard he tells killer jokes. 

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