The Return of the Silver Fox

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A single butterfly beats it's wings in the wide open forest, occasionally going along with the wind to give them a rest. The wandering butterfly waved around to it's friendly neighbors, all while making sure to avoid the mean ones. Spider webs were spread about certain areas of the forest, so naturally there were obstacles to avoid even when flying in mid-air.

Out of the shadows, a silver fox jauntily came striding through a pair of trees. "Hello butterfly," he said, without even caring about receiving a "hi" back. A simple wave was good enough.

A few teenagers could be chatting about nearby. The silver fox picked his head up to listen for which direction the voices were coming from. His furry ears twitched a bit as they tried to tune in for where they could be in the forest. Then, they pointed straight up. He found them.

"Okay, check this out," Ron told his friends; Terry and Jenna. He took a deep breathe in, and made a bird-like call. A bird, which was sitting on a branch, came flying over to Ron's outstretched arm. It begun to tweet meerily on his arm as he whistled a sweet tune.

"Awww! That's so cute!" Jenna exclaimed. "You're so talented, Ron." This compliment caused Ron to blush a bit.

"Hey, imagine if you could actually become a bird, or any type animal. Truly wild, right?" Terry asked.

Before Ron could answer, the silver fox entered onto the scene with a majestic leap from a tall boulder. "Hello gentlemen and young lady," the silver fox greeted with a bow.

"Woah! A talking fox!" Terry exclaimed.

All three teenagers took a step back from the talking fox.

The silver fox sat upright. "No need to be frightened. My name is Roary. It seems that Ron over here has some talent. I came by to see if I could help further that talent. That's all," said Roary, giving a slight smile.

Jenna scoffed at the statement. "You may be cute, and smart but, there is no way you could pull off such a stunt," she said.

Roary jauntily walked on over to Ron. "Allow me to prove myself then. Here," Roary outstretched his arm, and held open in his paw was a finger long, skinny vial filled to the brim with a purple liquid. "Drink this, and you'll be able to make any bird call that you want."

Ron shrugged, and took the vial. "How much is it?" he asked.

"It costs absolutely nothing," Roary answered with a friendly smile.

Ron shrugged once again, and chugged down the drink. He smacked his lips. "Tasty," he remarked.

All of a sudden, Ron's lips started to jut out. They were starting to harden, and became more cone-like. Within seconds, his mouth had become a beak.


"HOLY SHIT!" Jenna screamed.

"How the fuuuuck," said Terry.

"Enjoy your new ability, young Ron. I must say, I'm feeling a bit like a bird, myself," said Roary. After making such an odd claim, two wings sprouted out from his back, and flew up into the air. "Ta-ta for now kiddies."

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