A New Mission

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Your POV
I looked around as I was called to the general's office. I was being walked there by two kind men: Allen and Josh. When I walked to the door Allen whispered in my ear. "Good luck. You're gonna need it." I stepped into the room. The general sat in his chair at his desk. He looked up from writing as you walked in. "Ah, Miss Y/N. How nice of you to show up!" I was surprised at his friendly tone. "I didnt have a choice, sir." I repsonded carefully. He laughed. "I have an important mission for you, Y/N." He paused, making my curiosity show. "Kill the Red Leader. He is threatening the world as we speak. I am trusting you Y/N. Don't make me regret this decision." "Yes sir." I saluted nervously then walked out the door. "So... What did he want with you?" Allen asked. "He expects me to kill the Red Leader." Allen gasped. "The leader himself?! You've been given a great honor, Y/N. You should take it." I sarcastically nodded. "As if I have a choice..." I mumbled as I waited for one of the sargents to give me to address of the Red Leader's location. One came in. "There you are, Miss Y/N." He bowed quickly and left. The coordinates read a place frighteningly familiar... The place Edd and the guys live. Could the Red Leader really be hiding out THERE? In your old friends' house? Why though? Out of any place... I guess I need to ask those questions before I kill him... I thought, going to my bed and laying down. Unlike all the other soldiers, my bed was an actual bed. The others got cardboard beds. I was lucky enough to be the most helpful soldier this army had. Tomorrow. I thought. I will go to Edd's place tomorrow. For now, I need some rest...

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