Hot Mess

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Your POV
I found a hotel right near the guys' house. Huh. I thought. Convenient. The hotel wasn't very fancy, but I'm used to that... Nothing of mine was ever really nice. I heard a knocking on the door. I opened it and saw room service. "Here you are, ma'am." She set down a plate on your table. It had what you ordered. F/F. She rushed out of the room. "Enjoy!" I don't know why, but it just felt like.... I cant explain it. I just feel like I'm gonna feel torn about something... I don't know what. You being the reader you shoukd know... NO FOURTH WALL BREAKS!!!! Fine... Anyways... I don't really know how to explain any further...
~Le Time Skip bc I'm lazy~
As I walked up to the house I remembered and knocked, I heard the most familiar voices. Edd's Tom's and Matt's. "Matt! Go get the door!" Edd. "Why cant YOU get it?" Matt. "Because I'm busy!" "Why can't Tom get it?!" "Because I could care soooo much less about who's at the door." Tom. Matt opened the door. When he saw me, he ran and hugged me tightly, making it so that I couldn't breathe. "MATT!!! I... Can't... Breathe..." He let me go immediately. "GUYS!!! YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHOS HERE!!!" Tom and Edd yelled at the same time. "Who?" "Y/N!!!" Tom gasped and ran to the door, his 'eyes' widening when he saw me. "Y/N?! Is that really you?!" He hugged me. His was worse than Matt's. At least Matt's hug hadn't almost crushed my spine! "THOMAS!!! I..." I couldn't speak anymore. My vision blurred. He dropped me. "Sorry!" I hugged him as well. When Edd camr downstairs he gasped as well, but his was a little overdone... He walked me in the house happily and brought me to my old room. "You still kept this for me...?" I asked. They really DID care about me! But then I saw someone that made my heart stop. He wasnt here when I had been they boys' roommate! He must be the Red Leader! "Edd, who's that?" I asked. "Tord. I know he wasn't here when you lived with us last, but he moved back in!" That explains a lot. Like the extra room, well, TWO extra rooms if you count mine. I went to my sort of new room. I walked into a dream room. It had F/C walls and a S/F/C bed. There was a stuffed F/A on my bed as well. Who did all this?! This is awesome!!!! You assumed Edd and Tom did it all, considering Matt wouldn't want his face getting hurt and Tord doesnt know me at all. I put all my clothes in the beautiful wood dresser. I looked in the mirror, straightened my hair, and went downstairs. Edd and Tord were talking. "Listen Tord I know you don't know her, bue at least greet her nicely!" He pleaded. "Alright." He noticed me standing there. "Ah, Y/N, milady! How has your day been?" He kissed me hand. It felt weird, letting a complete stranger kiss my hand. "Umm... Good...?" I replied nervously. "Don't be nervous, milady. You'll be fine!" I still wasnt sure. I nodded. "Wow, Y/N. You're usually not someone to just agree! Has Norway changed you?" Edd asked jokingly. I was imported to Norway a couple of days before being sent on this mission. "Kan være!" I joked. Edd looked at you confused. "She said maybe." Tord translated. I didn't want to give Tord the wrong message about what I was like. "I can translate myself!" I told him sharply. "Okay! I was just trying to help!" He replied. A smirk carved on Edd's lips. "I think I see a tsundere story here..." Tord growled angrily and I just sat there frustrated. Edd always makes OTPs out of the guys and me. He made fun of me and Tom, now me and Tord. I haven't even known this guy for a full day and Edd has already made an OTP. That's gotta mean something.... No! I thought. I JUST MET Tord! There is no way! Out of pure reflex I punched Tord. "HEY! What was that for?!" He yelled. "She doesn't like you, Commie!" Tom yelled from the kitchen. "Shut up, Jehovah's Witness!" Tord reTORDed. (Again IF you read my other story you'd know what I'm talking about... I'M NOT SORRY!) I saw Tom and ran to him. "Why do you and Tord hate each other?" He looked at me, his expression like a cute, innocent puppy. "Who said we hate each other?" He played dumb. Just like Tom to do that around me. It was cute. I found myself getting lost in his eyes. I shook myself mentally. "You were such a happier person before Tord came back." You replied. He just took a sip from his flask and said, "You're right." He walked up to his room. When I heard the door shut I ran to his room abd opened the door crying. He just sat on his bed for a second, then he guided me to his bed and sat me down. "Whats wrong?" I looked like a hot mess! I wanted to tell him nothing and just forget it. He wouldnt buy that. I had to tell him the truth now. "I was sent on a mission..." He looked skeptical. "What mission? You go on those all the time." "To kill the Red Leader. Tord." I cried into his hoodie. "Jeg elsker Tord!" Tom got out his phone and looked it up. "What?! But you've only known him for a day!" He was shocked and slightly angry. I didn't understand why he was angry, but I didn't wanna ask. "Actually, he is the Red Leader so I knew him for a while. I used to be friends with him in highschool. No one knew because he was the knew kid and I was one of the really popular people..." Tom was shocked. He let me cry on his shoulder until we heard a knock on the door. "Thomas! Whats going on? Why do I hear Y/N crying?" It was Tord. I was about to speak but Tom put his hand over my mouth. "None of your buisness Commie!" I heard footsteps as Tord walked away. "What do I do now?"

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