You're mine now. - 𝟟

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One of my fave collabs in history! <3 Love this song. Enjoy~




[ Long ago, around to 25 years there was one happy family where the parents would care and cherish so much of their baby boy. They would teach him how to be a well mannered human, how important is to help others around when needed but especially his mother would teach him her first love which that became also his first love. The boy would never stop playing piano from the day his mother taught him. It brought smile to his face, like everything else was transformed into smth else more majestic and magical. The boy finally became 4 years old and he would still sit on the piano and play unconditionally for his parents until another member was supposed to join this perfect harmonic family by that day but...

he never did.]




Eomma.. eomma.. eomma... -??

Who is that? Looks so familiar....

I lean down to his level while the boy is curled up in a ball and crying his lungs out .

I try to speak to him but I can't get any voice out of my mouth. I look curiously at myself and then the boy raises his head up and I see my 5 years old self.

Who are u mister? Have u seen eomma? - boy

I opened my mouth and remembered that I couldn't talk so I just hugged him but then his whole body becomes like a fairy dust and the next moment I am in front of 'that' place.

It was a rainy day and I see the crushed car while walking with my mom. I see the red liquid running along with the water of the rain, diluting all that redness and make it less frightening for me. I look at our interlinked hands of mine and eomma's and when I look towards she is already shocked  by the scene. I then realize that its not my 5 years old child but my older self that is holding her hand tightly. 

what... how??

Then I feel eomma's grip releasing from my hand and running towards to the body on the floor. I take a look closer as well and then when I see his body, I move weakly backwards and then slowly grab my head and murmur to myself

no.. no... no... it cant be happening again... no.. no...

and then fragments after fragments come into my mind making it painful to stay still that I scream


Babe whats wrong ?!!! - Y/N/R


I then look at the woman next to me and I quickly hug her into my embrace forcefully and say

[JJK FF MATURE] - Y/N - {Season 2} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now