The Truth. -𝟙𝟠

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Hi lovelyz!! Don't forget to stream our boys new song 'Dynamite' to all platforms Youtube, Spotify, Soundcloud everywhere! ^_^ Have come with a new chapter for this week. We getting closer to the end which makes me abit sad, let me know if you would like a spin-off chapter after the end. Some JK and Y/N-ah time only? 0_0 hehe ~ let me know!!

Enjoy my loves!! <3


[Y/N's POV] 

I am sat on the couch waiting any time soon for my phone to ring and hear that the DNA results are done. I sign and then take the phone with me and lie down on the bed while looking at the breathtaking view of the sunset where the beautiful bright colors of the sky cover the city's skyscrapers. 

I wonder if he is coming back today... Busan is indeed quite far... 

I then turn my body to the other side and look at the time on my phone and just then my stomach felt growling. I then say to myself 

Man... I haven't eaten all day. I only had a coffee. - Y/N

I then get up from the bed and start making some instant noodles. Taking out the cutlery for the cooking, I start thinking

I wonder how Jungkook will react if indeed his real older brother is Yoongi...

and then while I was placing the noodles inside the hot pot I mumble 

That would be just crazy. - Y/N 

just then surprisingly I feel a warmth behind me brushing my back and two hands wrapping me around and a smooth deep voice asking me 

What would be crazy baby? - JK 

I shocked then looked at him, scared to death for not even noticing him and hearing him coming in and said rashly 

Nothing my love, just saying it would be crazy if I wouldn't know how to make instant noodles like how would anyone be able to survive in Korean without these right?!- Y/N 

and then smiled awkwardly and he looked at me back a bit confused and probably assuming that I definitely have gone mad and then I added 

Omg you were in Busan right? How come you came so early back? - JK 

while he was loosing his tie and taking off his black jacket he said with a smirk 

Why? You didn't want me to come back? - JK 

I then blushed and said while trying to focus on the noodles

Shush. Stop saying nonsense. I miss you every day, no every hour, nah every minute! Actually when I think about it better...every second you are not-- Y/N 

and then he interrupts me with a kiss from behind while he places his hand on my cheek to move my lips towards his lips. 

After the kiss broke, I pecked him again and said

 You still think you can do whatever you want. - Y/N 

and then he replied while picking me up from the torso on his back 

Oh yes baby, I do. - JK 

and then while I was shouting to put me down and laughing at the same time, he finally places me on the bed while hovering on top of me and he kisses me again. When the make out kiss broke I said 

Jungkook.... the noodles are going to get soggy!!! - Y/N 

He then laughed and said 

Fine.. I am hungry too, lets eat first and then we can continue. - JK 

[JJK FF MATURE] - Y/N - {Season 2} ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang