Haunting past. - 𝟙𝟚

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Hi lovelyz, here is another chapter for you for this week. I want to say before reading this chapter, it may be a bit disturbing for some of you but as you know this is only fictional nothing is real. However, if you ever feel like you are in a similar situation please do call the suicide prevention hotlines (www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html) or if you feel like you want to talk to someone do seek for a person to hear you out!!!!!!!! Do not let these things bottled up inside of you!!!!!

Ending our life is definitely not the solution, God gave us purpose in our lives and unconditional love to us so never forget this. You matter! Whoever you are :) <3 

Keep safe and healthy wherever you are lovelyz!! ^_^ 

I purple you!! <3 


- Author-nim 



01:30 am 

[Yoongi's POV] 

I was just walking out of the convenient store with some snacks and drinks heading back to my recording studio and suddenly I see Jimin walking towards a bridge nearby and expressionless looking at the water. I then titled my head on the side and thought

What is he doing here at this time? 

I then smirked and slowly started walking to him when then he placed his right hand on one of those silver metal bars of the bridge and then after few seconds he places his left knee on the other side of those metallic bars. In no time my eyes widen in fear and run while tossing away the plastic bag to stop him. At that time he was already standing with both of his legs ready to lose his balance any moment on those bars and still looking at the water without looking back at me. Once I reached to him I placed my hand in the air and said 

Jimin come down now. Lets talk about this first, yeah? - Yoongi 

There was no reaction he just turned and looked at me with those emotionless eyes. I then shook a bit my hand again in the air while directing his eyes with my eyes to my hand which was desperately waiting for his touch but he faintly smiled and said 

Hyung... I am the worst... - Jimin 

I then shook my head while my hand was still in the air and added 

You are not... Trust me I know someone who is worse.. - Yoongi 

A tear then started rolling down on his left cheek and said 

Hyung... don't. I hurt her... without knowing... I didn't mean it.. - Jimin 

I then signed and left my hand flop beside me and put my hands in my pockets and said 

Have you ever felt like you wanted to protect someone you loved so much but at the end you never were able to do so? - Yoongi 

Jimin the looked down with his teary eyes and replied.

Well kinda but not in reality... no.. I-I realized today that I was never meant to be the one to protect her... and just by thinking about it.. UGH!! while shuffling his hair aggressively and started swearing in a whisper It frustrates me yet i find it foolish of me... I feel like a loser who just had lucid dreams of living my whole life beside her but... - Jimin 

Jimin then looked down without any energy left. Relatable as they were his feelings, words and reactions to me I looked down to my shoes while collecting my thoughts and then looked up to him and said 

[JJK FF MATURE] - Y/N - {Season 2} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now