Chapter 2 - Helping a friend

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Sam's P.O.V

It's quite the long walk to David's house. My legs are aching quite a lot, and Lola seemed unfazed by it. Sometimes I wish I was like Lola, so stubborn that she can do anything if she puts her mind to it. David is a rich boy, however he doesn't like to talk about it. I knew that if he told the whole class, he'd go from nerd to popular in a sec. He definitely didn't want that to happen.

As we are reaching the house's front door, Lola pressed down on the doorbell. I have only been to David's house about 4-5 times before, since we mostly like to hang out at my place. Lola has probably been here one time before. I'm surprised she knew the way here.

"Coming!" A familiar, gruffly voice shouts from inside. His voice is always very low and throaty. I remember hearing his voice for the first time and it did not match his look or personality. I found it funny for a while, until he confronted me about it. After that I just had to swallow my laughter, and now I'm fairly used to it.

Soon, the front door opens, and there stood David. Messy dark-brown hair, circles under his eyes, and wearing SpongeBob pajamas. Has he been sleeping up until now?! Impressive.

"Oh, I though you two were my parents friends. Come on in" David said, trying his best to smile and seem like he hasn't been locked in his room for several days. Me and Lola obviously enter the house, and I always forget how spacious and huge his house is. I liked it.

"David.." Lola starts as soon as we're inside. I took off my leather jacket, and hung it where all the other jacket's were. David looked at Lola after making sure I managed to reach the clothing hanger, and furrowed his brows worriedly.

"I know what you're about to ask. 'David, where have you been? Is everything alright?'.. and truth to be told, I'm not alright.." David starts explaining. He walked into the kitchen and we followed after taking our shoes off. We sat down around the massive kitchen table and started talking.

"How come? Has someone been rude to you?" I ask. I was kind of scared to ask that question cause the answer could be devastating to hear, if it's now the case. David met my eyes, smiles sadly- and I knew his answer was yes.

"Rude? More like evil" David quickly said. Me and Lola quickly exchanged looks, and then looked back at David who was tapping the table with his pointing finger - whilst deep in thought.

"Who's been evil?" I ask after gathering enough courage. I kinda had a person in mind. And if it is him... I'll definitely share a word or two with him.

"Obviously Colby" David simply said. Lola and I shared one glare that said it all.

It's gone too far.

"Is he the reason you're not arriving to school?" I ask, concerned. I did my best not to take my anger out on my friend. That wouldn't be fair. Lola tried the same.

"Yes. He keeps pushing me, calling me rude names, humiliate me.. he even cyber-bullies me" David explained. I felt how my anger almost did a front flip through my mind, and I almost cussed out loud. I held it in though by tightly pressing my hand into a fist. Really tightly.

"Come back to school David" Lola suddenly pleaded. I was thankful that she spoke up, or I might've lost it. I could focus on her voice instead of my own voice inside my head, telling me to beat the shit out of Colby.

"And be pestered again? No" David said, clearly scared.
"We will be there this time. Always. David please, don't take your energy out on a dude like him" Lola begged. David met Lola's eyes for a split second, sighed, and then groaned frustratingly.

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