~Chapter One~

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Hewow I'm gonna go by Eclipse it's not my name but that what I'm gonna go by   :) 

This story follows the plot of Captain America : Winter Soldier because like why not. If you have not already read the bio it's obviously of Bucky and Elani so enjoy. I chose Elani because I think it's a nice name and I've wanted to use her name anyway so yesh. The first chapter isn't so interesting so if you wanna skip it it's all good, but Ima try and post as many of the chapters as I can at the same time. Here we go enjoy :)

Elani's POV/

Fury had just died and I didn't know whether to believe it or not. Steve was standing right next to me trying

to figure something out but I just stood there un aware of my feelings.

"What did he tell you?"

"What are you talking about?"
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I said whipping away a tear.
"No I don't Elani."

"But you do Steve let me know when you're ready to tell." I said walking away.

I stayed in the lobby for a while until I saw Steve leave. Once he was gone I made my way to the vending machine where I saw he had left the flash drive I had previously gotten from our last mission. Once I saw it I got it and made my way back to my lobby waiting for him to come back.
Steve's POV/

Once I made my way to a safe place I put on a hood and some glasses so I wouldn't be recognizable. I then made my way back to the hospital to retrieve the flash drive I had left there. Once I saw that the gum in front and the flash drive where gone I began to panic, but then I heard the sound of gum popping. Once I turned around I saw Elani. I quickly pushed her into the room right behind me.
"Nice to see you too babe." she said jokingly.

"Where is it?" I said putting pressure on her wrists that I held down so she wouldn't be able to move or use her abilities.

"Where did you get it Cap?"

"Why do you care?"

"Fury gave it to you didn't he?" He looked away.

"What did he tell you?"

Elani's POV/

"That I couldn't trust anybody."

I looked away and tried to ignore the fact that he basically said he doesn't trust me. How could I blame him his whole life has been messed up for trying to do the right thing.

"Well we need to find out where it came from since we can't find out what's inside maybe where it came from can give us answers."

I moved away from him and stopped at the door.
"How exactly are we gonna do that without getting caught I mean everyone is coming for us and trying to kill us how do you suggest we do that."

I then pushed him up against the wall and held him still with my abilities not being harsh enough to cause him actual pain but enough to keep him still. Now I know this wasn't the way to handle it but he was irritating me already..

"Look I don't know what the hell you're running from or what we are running from now but you need to take it down a few notches." I then got closer, "I'm not trying to hurt you Steve and I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not telling you to trust me but I'm telling you to let me help you. Now could you let me do that."

He slowly nodded.

. . .

We were now in the mall looking for an apple store to access it for the flash drive..
"How much time exactly will we have to find where it's from."

"Once we get to the computer and plug in the drive we'll have about nine minutes."

"Are you sure they aren't here already?"

"No they don't know where we are."

We then made our way to the computer and Steve made sure no one was looking.

"We have nine minutes starting now." I said plugging in the drive.

While I searched where the drive came from Steve kept looking around.

"How are you guys doing?" One of the employees asked putting Steve in a very nervous state.

"We're doing good me and my fiance are just looking for a place to go for vacation."

"Oh yeah we are." Steve stuttered.

"Oh well where do you guys think of going."

"Umm. . . . *looks at screen* New Jersey"

"Oh nice. . . ." the man then studied Steves face. "You know. . . ."

Steve then looked down to avoid him.
"I have the same glasses."

Steve let out a laugh of relief.
"Oh wow you two are practically identical." I said still focusing on the computer.

"Oh no oof I wish you you are *looks at Steve up and down* you're wow."

"Ha thanks."

"Alright well I leave you two to it." The man then left and Steve came up behind me.

"Hurry up."
"Relax we still have a good two minutes."

"I'd rather have left in three."

"Okay okay done here you recognize it."

He studied the screen.

"Yes Wheaton N I was there a long time ago. Alright let's go."

He took the drive out of the computer and we made our way.out of the mall.
"Alright two up front two on the side and two above."

"Shut up put your are around me and laugh at something I said."

"Just do it."

He did as I said and we made it past the two men. Now we move onto the elevators to make our way to the exit.

"Oh shit kiss me."


"Kiss me public interaction makes people uncomfortable."

"You're right it does."

"Ugh," I then pulled him down to kiss me and let me just say Cap is freaking amazing at kissing and it wasn't the first time but it sure was amazing. I then pulled away slowly as we met the bottom of the escalator.

"Now do you feel uncomfortable."
"That's not the word I would use."

I laughed to myself as we walked out of the mall and made our way to a ride. A ride which Cap decided he would steal.

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