~Chapter Three~

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We finally arrived to this so called Sam's house and once Steve knocked on the door a colored man appeared.

"Hey man wassup?"

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us."

"Literally everyone." I said

"Well not everyone," he then let us walk in.

"What's going on?"

"SHIELD has fallen."
"Man I don't know what to rain down on your parade but SHIELD has been a mess made long ago."
"Yeah but I never knew it would come to this."
"Yeah man I know."
"I haven't introduced myself I'm-"
"Alestra I know you're great. Steve's told me about you and I've seen you fight before."
"Yeah thanks but my name is Elani you don't have to call me Alestra all the time."

"Got it. So you guys wanna get cleaned up I only have one extra room is it okay if you guys-"
"Yeah it's fine." I cut him off.

"Alright it's the room to the left." I made my way to the room while Steve stayed back and talked to Sam. Once I got into the room I undressed myself and went into the shower. Once the water hit my back I felt a wave of relaxation run over me. Of course Hydra was trying to start war, the world could possibly be taken over, I could go back to being an assassin, and that's when the tears began to fall. I'm not one to cry, but it had been a long time since I last heard my name and a long time since I last remembered Bucky being dead. Of course I know he's gone but I just I miss him so much. Soon the small whimpers turned into sobbs so I covered my mouth to make sure Steve wouldn't hear me. On top of everything everything I worked for after I lost my best friend and the love of my life was all a lie now. This was not what SHIELD was meant to be and I hate myself for not being strong enough to stop it. I was weak in the times I was supposed to be strong, so in a way it was my fault. The rest of the time in the shower was short of only me trying to control my anger. Once I stepped out I put on my undergarments and began to dry my hair. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Hey open the door please?"

"Give me a sec I need to finish-"

"Open the door please Elani I want to talk to you."

"Steve I don't have my clothes on."
"Like I haven't seen you without them before."
I rolled my eyes and wrapped a towel around my body before opening the door. When I did I made sure I moved quickly back to the mirror to not look at him

"Look at me Elani."


"Because I want to see your eyes."
I looked up at him my eyes slightly red from the tears. He then took me into his embrace hugging me softly but lovingly and placed a kiss on my head.

"I'm sorry," I said heart felt. It was all I could say after all it wasn't his fault that my life was messed up and it wasn't mine either. I just didn't know how to approach any of it.

"Hey look at me." He lifted my head up with both hands.

"It's not your fault Elani."
"I know. . . I just. . . . I just. . . . this isn't SHIELD this isn't what it's supposed to be and if I would've been more cautious this wouldn't be happening-"
"Hey hey hey it's not your fault you were taken you had lost both of us and you had nobody else it's not your fault we left you when we promised we wouldn't."

"No no Steve that's the thing I know you both had no other choice I did and that's why this is all a mess." You could hear the sadness in my voice.

"I'm right here." he said looking directly into my eyes.

"I know you are." In that moment all I wanted to do was kiss him. I wanted him to take me and please me I wanted him to love me. I needed him. My body ached for his touch his lips all of him. My lips lightly laid upon his and just as I had expected our kiss was filled with passion and love. I pulled away though how could I kiss him. How could I do anything with him if all I had in my mind was Bucky.

"What's wrong." He said with a confused look on his face.

"I'm I'm just tired."

"Okay that's fine here let me just shower and I'll come out okay?"

I nodded and walked out of the room. I slipped on his white shirt and laid in bed thinking. Once he came out we both dozed off for about thirty minutes before I woke up to the sound of the tv in the other room. I turned to face Steve and just looked at him breathe in and breathe out. It was the most calming thing in the world. His calm expression and the way his chest would go up then down would just form a smile on my face. I lightly grazed his cheek and planted a light kiss upon his lips. Luckily it didn't awake him so I got out of the bed and got ready. I was tired, but after all the flashbacks there was a probability I could wake up and go into Vosmei mode. I didn't want that I could hurt Steve and Sam. I made my way out to the kitchen and found Sam.

"Can't sleep?"

"Nope," I said placing my signature gun belt around my waist.
"Really after that I would be pretty tired." I looked up at him confused. I swear we were quiet.
"After what?"
"After being part of an explosion?" he said curiously as to why I asked.
"Oh yeah no the shower was enough, and hey thanks for letting us stay here even though it's putting you in danger too."
"He's my friend I also see him as family so I'm here for anything. I don't know you too much but it goes for you too." I smiled at him as I put on my jacket.


"Coffee?" He asked pulling out a mug from the cabinet.

"Yeah please."

"I have another question."
"Okay fire away," I then sat down at the bar in front of him.

"Why do you carry around guns knowing you can easily use your abilities?"

"Because I never know what situation I will be caught in were my abilities won't work. I also don't like using them all the time. Sometimes a gun is enough." I said now taking a sip from my coffee.

"What do mean when say that you'll be caught in a situation where your abilities won't work?"
"Well I have the black magic in me but just like every other human being I have weaknesses and that is a very rare substance called lectic. If I get any of it into my system my abilities will fail. I can also die."

"Oh wow I got it now."

The rest of the night me and Sam got to know each other. I learned he was in the military and fought for a long time before having to get sent home. He also lost his girlfriend to cancer and lost all of his family due to an explosion. I went on to tell him how my life went on. What happen as I grew up, when Bucky died, when I thought Steve had died, and how I was taken into a lab, and saved by Steve. By morning we both had gained each others trust and respect. It was weird for me to open up to someone so easily I mean Steve's been around for ages with me so he knows what's happened to me but when it came to telling Stark it took me a while. Most likely because he reminded me of his father so much it cost me some time to remember he was dead and no longer by my side when I needed him. Me and his father experimented all the time and had a great friendship that ended on bad terms sadly so I never got to say my proper goodbye. Sometimes just looking at Tony broke my heart. The point here is that now I trusted Sam and that's what mattered. Steve then came out bright and early at 6 in the morning.

"Look Sam you don't have to help us this isn't your fight."
"From what I here Cap it shouldn't be yours either so it wouldn't be bad if I joined in to fight it." Steve then chuckled and let his head fall.
"You know you're gonna need a suit right?"
"Already got one." he said.

Me and Cap had to go get our old ones from WWII so to the museum we went.

Oof Cap getting a little frustrated poor child :( Wale then vote and or comment pwees :) and goddamn every time I watch the movie and Cap does this scene I lose my shit it hypes me the fuck up lol I hope I'm not the only one.

- Eclipse 

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