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Who am I?

That question circles around my head. 

Will I ever be able to anything more than contemplate my life and cry?

Will I ever be able to fall asleep the first moment that I crawl into bed? 

I talk about change all the time, 

changes to my story, my clothes, my life, but never to my rhyme. 

Do I ever actually change anything or am I just telling myself I do?

Maybe just maybe one day I'll be free to live the life I want to.

To be the person I think I am inside my head. 

Is that something that I can actually do? Or will I leave those words unsaid?

They say in order to understand life you need to dance with your demons.

The demons aren't the ones I'm frightened of talking to, it's the humans.

At least demons are cruel for their nature, but humans, we're sick.

Whenever I think about, about life outside the cells of my brain, 

it's like we're all a type of parasite, a blood-sucking tick. 

Just to escape life's different types of pain. 

I don't know who I am, I'm not sure I want to know. 

Until I can assure that a human I won't grow,

then maybe, just maybe I'll stoop so low. 

Because human is the only thing I know I don't want to be,

for if I am that how low will you think of me?

Disgusted and affronted, like a leech.

I'd rather die with a blood-curdling screech. 

To be human is to be caged in your skin.

I'll stick to the halls of my mind, I don't need to go outside again. 

Inside My Head -Short poemsWhere stories live. Discover now