A Peaceful Day....Wait a Minute...

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A string of light peaked through paper- thin drapes. A cool breeze softly flows through an open window, and the singing of birds chirping in the distance can be heard. Their songs echoing along the wind created a melody so smooth, it could put anyone into a deep sleep. Soft snoring sounded throughout the small, cozy room. It was a peaceful day. A small moment wrapped around an infinite flow of time and space. A moment, that would not last forever. 


"Y/N!! Y/N!!! Wakey wakey!! Pineapple head is making breakfast and he said I can't have any until you wake up!" A boisterous little boy bubbles from behind the small wooden door. He bursts through the door and jumps onto the sleeping sibling, rolling and hugging them in the chaos.

"Luffy.. I'm trying to sleep." You mumble, covering yourself back up with the fleeing blankets," five more minutes." With a small yawn, your face first into the warmth of your pillows, ignoring the whinning emiting from the small boy.

"No fair! I'm hungry Y/N! I can almost taste the bacon." The small boy began drooling over his poor sibling, day dreaming about food. At the mention of bacon, you noticed the smell fill your nostrils. It was as if it's been wafting in the air the whole time, but your senses were only now awake to realize it. The thought of food was overtaking your mind, and you decided it was time to get up.

"Alright. You got me. I'm awake." An enevitable sigh reaches your lips as you slowly climb out from underneath the child. Your efforts are deceased when the boy climbs off himself, running towards the door in a hurry.

"Woohoo! Come on, let's go eat!" He waits by the door, making sure you don't go back on your word and continue your much desired sleep.

You make your way to the exit of the room. Patting the boy on the head. "I'm here, let's go eat." You smile at his silly antics. He grasps your hand and drags you away from the room and into the hallway.

"What's all the racket about. Sleep really is impossible in this house. " A silhouette mutters from his room, falling asleep at his doorway despite his earlier statement. His lack of clothing emphasizing his tired state.

"Ace! Come down for breakfast!" Luffy shouts as we make our way past him, tumbling down the spiral of stairs. In the kitchen, the big phoenix lover stands behind the stove, burning some eggs. Sabo sits eating at the table, already dressed for the day.

"Good morning you two. Hope you slept well." Sabo greetings politely, a small smile tugging at his lips. His words caught the attention of others as they greeted you both as well.

"Gurararara! Good morning my children." Pops sat at the end of the table, behind his newspaper. He was dressed and ready to attend his job.

Marco came to the table and placed two plates of food on it. "Sorry its not the best. Thatch had to leave early today for a meeting, so I took over the cooking this morning yoi." He rubbed at his neck, a little embarrassed by his lack in cooking skills.

"Its amazing Pineapple! The meat is perfect!" Luffy smiles, his mouth full as he already sat himself at the table. "Are you gonna eat Y/N?" He eyes your plate longingly.

"Oi! Finish your own plate before taking someone else's yoi!" Marco lectures the small boy. He only laughs in reply.

You smile and sit down at the table, tackling your own food. "Its a little burnt, but besides that, it taste amazing. You really out did yourself Marco." You praise the man. He blushes and thanks you for the compliment. " I should head back to my apartment now. School starts back up today." You sigh, not wanting to leave the comfort of this home. You weren't actually related to anyone here, just really close childhood friends.

"With how much you spend your time here,you might as well just move in. You already have your own room." Sabo reasons, finishing his plate and placing them in the sink.

"Not a bad idea my boy. I consider you like my own daughter." The old man chuckles behind his mustache while setting down the newspaper.

"I'd like to, but I really shouldn't bother you guys too much with my presence. Besides, my apartment is-"

"Dusty" Ace cuts me off, seemingly just now entering the kitchen. He's at least halfway dressed as Marco gives him a plate of food as well. "Your apartment is probably dusty from the lack of living in it. You should just live here. You're no bother to anybody." Ace yawns, stretching his arms above his head before eating. You blush at his comment, before sweating at his face plant into his meal when falling asleep. And he said such cool words.

"We can talk about this later. I'll see you guys in school!" You wave goodbye to your dear friends. "And I'll probably stop by later today." You grin closing the door. You barely manage to hear a " we know" from them as you make your way to your apartment. You really wished moments like these could last forever.

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