Caught Red Handed.

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The next day was a little more difficult. Just to be sure no one suspected anything. You came to school without your crutches again. And it was taking a toll on you. You understood why Law said to not walk on it. The tape only helped limit movement but it didn't keep any pressure off it. It was aching in English. You were unable to think properly in the class. You embarrassed yourself in class when Mr. Mihawks called on you and you were at a loss of words.

Zoro was even wondering what was wrong with you. He kept asking if you needed anything and he would get you it. You told him you were fine and that you were just day dreaming.

It was throbbing in history class, and the pain must have shown on your face because Ms. Robin almost made you go to the nurses office. You insisted you were fine though. And that the trip was unnecessary.

Around lunch time you tried avoiding everyone because you were sure they were suspecting something was wrong. You just barely managed to avoid Sabo when you heard someone rounding the corner.


You definitely recognized that gruff voice. You look at him and he seems confused as to why your here at first. Perhaps he wasn't expecting you to be in the same school as him. Then he looks to your throbbing ankle, and he starts to walk towards you.

"Sorry! Wrong way. I should be going!" You squeal trying to turn around and run in the other direction. Your ankle prevents you from going very far though and he catches up to you. He grabs a hold of your arm. A chill runs down your spine and you sense a deadly aura surrounding him. He glares darkly down at you before speaking.

"Where do you think your going?"

You gulp at the tense atmosphere, mentally prepareing youreself for what was to come. But the worst never came. In fact, the unexpected happened.

He picked you up Princess style. 

Your body was pushed into his muscular chest, and you could feel his body heat against your skin. His heart beat sounded a fast, but steady pitter patter. Your head fell into his neck, and you could feel his heated breath fan over your face. You inhaled his rich scent; smelling vanilla coffee beans. It was as if he was a coffee shop; the moment you walked into him, he blasted you with various sweet scents of coffee. You were so shocked, you failed to notice the blush that rose onto his cheeks as he carried you away.


"Now. Explain to me why you disobeyed my orders." Law states angrily, looking at the added damage you've done to your already injured leg. He took you to the nurses office so he could retape and look at your ankle.

" Was it really necessary to carry me all the way to the nurse's office?" You clammer, a rosy blush taking over your features.

"I wasn't going to have you worse your condition by making you walk up the stairs. Dammit... the swelling increased... Now answer my question."

" ... I.. I didn't wanna.. worry people about my condition okay!? You say, embarrassed about your reason.

"So making it worse was the better option?". You didn't reply to his question. "You're troublesome that's for sure. Now that I know we go to the same school, I'll be keeping an eye on you."  Law finished tapeing your ankle and found a spare pair of crutches in the storage closet. "You are to use these." He stated menasingly. " Now. What's your next class? I'll walk you there."

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