Ignoring the Doctors Orders.

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Cora-san walks through the door to see how things are going. That is, until he falls over and moves the table your on, causing your ankle to move in pain. Law angrily kicks him out of the room.

"I'm working Cora-san, don't bother the patient!" he sighs before turning to face you again. He checks on your ankle. "Sorry about him. Does it hurt?" He asks, concern lacing his voice when you hear it crack a little.

"I'm fine. Though its been hurting from the start, so there's nothing new there." You smile at him. He looks away abruptly, red tinting his ears.

"It looks like the swelling went away some, so I'll tape it now. " he analyzed, assessing the injury. He grabs a roll or pre wrap and wraps it firmly onto the ankle and heel. Then he grabs a roll of tape, and tapes up your ankle and heel tightly. This is to avoid too much movement with the injury and making it worse. After he's done he sets down your leg and stands back up.

"Here are your crutches. You need to use them."He walks over to a prescription cabinet and pulls out a container. He prints out a label and sticks it to the bottle. "And these are your pills. They will help with the pain. You should take one at night and two in the morning. I'll also write up a note to take to your coach so they know you'll have to sit out and not play anymore tackle football for a while. Don't wanna risk hurting your ankle anymore. I'm assuming you're coming here right after class, I did the same, so I want you to come back here the same time tomorrow. I'll check to see how your ankle is doing and re-tape it. Do you have any questions?" He asks while writing up a note and handing it to me.

"Nope I think you pretty much covered everything. Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it. " you say, smiling up at him. He turns away from you again.

"If that's all then your free to go. Here, take this," he says handing you a card," its my card. Contact me if anything happens before your next visit." He says, his ears slightly red again. He still wasn't facing you.

"Thanks again for everything. I'll be going now." You say jumping down from the table. You take the crutches and walk out the door as he holds it open for you. At the desk Cora-san hands you a lollipop and bids you farewell.

If there was one thing you ignored. It was orders. You decided to drop off your crutches at your apartment and then make your way to luffy's house. There was no way you were going to worry them by going to their house in full bandages and crutches. You changed your outfit, one because they were still damp from the rain, and two, so you could hide the tape on your ankle. And then you walked all the way to their home. You had to admit. Law was very skillful with his hands. Your ankle felt better than when you just walked on it without support. The tape really helped out a lot.

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