School is Here! The Incident.

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The walk back to your apartment was relaxing. The sweet smell of the cherry blossoms drifted in the air. And the birds overhead brought their delicate songs. You couldn't help but smile and hum along to their tunes. What surprised you was the part when the birds copied your songs. A few mocking birds rested not too far from you, and listened in on your humming.

A eerily feeling crept up behind you, and a shiver ran down your spine. It felt as if someone, or something, was watching you; something out of place. You quickly turned around, but found nothing out of the ordinary. Just a stray cat scampering into an alleyway. You shrugged and continued on your way. After returning home and dressing up for the day, up made a u turn in your steps and headed for school. You were to be a senior in high school this year. Sabo and Ace were also in your year, and you hoped you had some classes with them. Luffy was starting as a sophomore. But he looked so cute, he was often mistaken for a middle schooler.

Nearing the gates, you caught a glimpse of your three favorite boys. They always waited for you here, so they can walk into the school yard together.

"Y/N!! You made it!" Luffy squealed as he leaped onto your frame, clinging there like a puppy. You only smiled at him, ruffling his loose hair.

"Hey! Did you wait long?" You asked them, worried you may have taken too long when enjoying your walk home. He quickly nodded his head no, climbing off of you when Sabo intervened.

"We just got here ourselves. Ace would keep falling asleep on the way." Sabo explained their situation, the said male glaring at his brother. You all walked into the school yard, catching up with old friends after the long break. After grouping up the old gang, you discuss classes together.

"What do you have for home room?" Nami asks you, starting up a conversation. You look down at your schedule, only to sulk over your answer.

"Mihawk.... Again." you sigh at the familiar English teacher.

"That's the third time in a row." Sabo smiles apologetically, knowing the tense atmosphere in his classroom.

"I have him too." Zoro says, his eyes fueled with fire." Someday I'll beat him, and I'll be even greater than him." Zoro roars triumphantly.

"Pfft-- you wanna be the greatest English teacher in the world. Good luck with that, your writing sucks." Sanji jeers at Zoro's dreams, trying to start a fight.

"No you idiot love cook! He's also the kendo club instructor, and he's won all of the recent championships. I'm gonna best him at that!" Zoro yells infuriated with Sanji's twist of his words. Before the two of them can exchange anymore words, the bell rings signaling the end of free talk. Everyone makes their way to their appropriate spots. You drag zoro by his ear, knowing he would be late if you didn't. His sense of direction was terrible.

After first period was history with Ms. Robin. You shared her class with Nami. Thatch was the cooking professor whom you shared a class with Sanji. Having you in the same class as him was helpful as you couldn't cook that well, hence why you took the class. He immediately wanted to be your partner, and since he had such amazing cooking skills, you weren't complaining.  Math and engineering was with Mr. Franky. You were glad to see Ussop was also in the class. You sat next to him in hopes of cheating for a better score. Science was with Mr. Brook, although he was also the music teacher, and sometimes he mixed the two up. Sabo was in the class as well, and you two stuck together whenever Mr. Brook tried to mix chemicals while singing. Marco was the art teacher, and sadly none of your friends were in that class. So you just stayed close to Marco's desk and chatted with him after he gave the lesson for the day. And finally, you shared P.E. with all of your friends, and since it was a mixed class, Luffy was also there as well. It was frightening when both of the coaches were scary as hell. Luffy seem to get along with the red headed one though. Coach Shanks and Coach Doflamingo. And boy, you did not want to get on Coach Doflamingo's bad side, he made people sprint suicides if you did anything wrong.

How do you know this? Experience. You forgot one step while doing warm ups and he made you do 50 suicide on the track. THE TRACK! In FULL sprint. He was definitely a sadist. By the time you were done, your feet and legs were throbbing in pain, there must have been some sort of muscle sprain or something. Sabo gave you another apologetic look and rubbed your back in a soothing manor. You couldn't help but see an unfamiliar female glaring at you though because of it. Maybe she had some sort of crush on Sabo and was taking his gesture the wrong way. You all played tackle football afterwards. This popular chick, Boa Hancock had a grudge against you. Probably because Luffy stayed next to you because he was worried about over extending yourself. At least you assumed so, because she kept mumbling Luffy was hers or something. When you had manage to catch the ball, she sprinted straight to you. You ran on your already soar feet on the playing field. You saw ace in the clearing and threw the ball at him with all your might. Despite not having the ball anymore, Boa jumped on you and you both tumbled to the floor. You knew something was wrong when a striking pain ran through your ankle. It must have twisted during the fall. Sabo helped you off your feet, and asked if you were okay. The poor boy worries too much.

"Don't worry! I'm fine. Promise. " you try easing the boys conscience. He seems unconvinced though when you slightly wince at putting pressure on your foot. You both look over to see Ace score the winning touch down.

"Seem that narcoleptic is good at something." Sabo teases. You both laugh to Ace's dismay. Him sending daggers your way.

After class was over, the coach made you stay behind. Sabo asked to stay with you but you told him he should go ahead and shower away his sweat.

Apparently he was criticizing your play on the field and wanted you to give him 100 push ups. You got to 10 before Coach Shanks said you can go shower, then head home. You barely make out the lecture he gives Coach Doflamingo on your way out.

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