Chapter 6

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As much as I didn't want to be at Grey's house, Mindy somehow managed to rope me back in.

"It's going to be fun," she said as she parked a few feet away. "Trust me. And, everybody is going to be here this time!"

Whoopie... I rolled my eyes.

We walked into the house, immediately filled with the stench of liquor and sweat. I don't know why I allowed her to bring me here again. Coming here wasn't a good idea; I could feel it.

There were never mobs of kids around the front entrance. The party always seemed to occur in that room with the makeshift stage. It was huge as well, so it could fit a sizable amount of the crowd.

"Andy said they're in the big party room. Let's go!" I followed Mindy, and we entered the loud, hectic space filled with drunk teenagers. The group was already pressed against a wall, yelling over the music.

"Hey, guys!" Mindy shouted, pulling me over to them. "Did we miss anything?"

"Besides people dancing and drinking, no, not much," Andy joked.

"Facts," Blake said. "But we have some things to be nervous about, according to Arnold."

"I'm serious! Last time he chose random people in the crowd to dance! I was terrified!" Arnold's wide eyes and horrified expression made me chuckle. He was the dorkiest out of all of us.

"Well, it seems like there's no dancing going on on stage tonight," Ana concluded. "Why don't we enjoy this party?"

"I'm not putting my guard down," Arnold said. "I won't be caught lackin'."

I was with Arnold on this. Grey hosting another party for every clique seemed a little sketchy. Especially after what I did to him and what he promised me in his dream. I was sure he was up to no good. And I stupidly walked into the lion's den.

"'You enjoying the party so far?" Andy asked me. I shrugged, not feeling any particular way about it yet.

"She would if she'd drink," Mindy said. "But she never wants to."

"And you're not going to pressure her to do so," Andy stated firmly.

"Of course not!" Mindy snapped. I could tell there was some underlying tension between them, so I pulled Mindy into the crowd of dancing people. We began dancing with each other, and I enjoyed myself, even with the mobs of drunk kids around. It made me feel less self-conscious about how I looked if I was being honest.

The song ended, and the music stopped playing. Everybody looked around, confused.

"Hello, everybody!" Sasha said, standing up on the stage. "Thank you all for coming. We have quite a show to put on tonight." There was even more confusion within the crowd. A show?

"As you may know, we have a mute girl in our school," she said, "and she decided to show her true colors and be super rude. She's written awful stuff about Grey and me on her social media pages, and honestly, enough's enough."

Mute girl? I was the only girl who didn't speak in our school. And I had written nothing about them on social media pages. I hardly even used social media! And the fact that she even said Mute Girl... hurt and anger shot through my body.

"I'll be posting the receipts on Instagram later tonight," Sasha said. "But for now, how about we read an excerpt from a poem of hers on Wattpad?"

My stomach sank in dread and blistering anger. I pushed through the crowd towards the door, only to be stopped by Grey. His face was impassive as he spun me around to face the stage. He had a vice-like grip on my shoulders, making it impossible to get away from him no matter how hard I struggled.

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