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:: 06

i am nothing more

than frail bones

under scarred porcelain skin


/ florence /

"Can I bum a smoke from you?" a deep voice resonated softly behind me, startling me into dropping the cigarette from between my fingers onto my thighs, the lit end piercing my skin as I let out a curse.

"Shit," I muttered as I jumped up from the grass I was sitting on at the far end of my lawn, causing the cigarette to fall onto the ground. I stepped on it hard, crushing it. I turned around to look at Harry. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I never noticed how grey your eyes were," Harry said, leaning to look at me more closely.

I got up and cautiously took a step back. "Don't you have somewhere to be? Things to do?" I hissed as I fumbled for another cigarette in the back pocket of my jeans.

"Nope. Tell you what, you hand me a cigarette or I'll just step inside and tell your grandmother," Harry threatened, smirking at me sinisterly.

"Don't you carry like fifty packs of them everywhere you go?" I grumbled, rather harshly in tone.

"No...I just ran out, alright?" He groaned, bringing a hand to his face - rubbing it frustratingly.

I rolled my eyes at how easily he switched moods. "Here." I mumbled as I slapped a cigarette onto his outspread palm. I grabbed another for myself, lighting both of our cigarettes quickly. I took a long drag, and let my eyelids flutter shut before exhaling a puff of smoke.

"Why are you still up so late?" He pondered, curiosity present as ever in his voice.

"My grandma told me to go to sleep and stop messing around but I've decided to start living a more exciting life and sit around on my front lawn." I said, letting out a light chuckle escape my lips.

"So what would she do if she found you were outside right now, at-" He paused to unlock his phone "-at 1:34 am, smoking, nontheless with a boy?" He questioned darkly, a half smirk curving on his lips.

I chuckled, causing smoke residue to fall from my lips. "You don't want to know."

"What? Is she trained in gorilla warfare and is actually a super spy that can fire shots from an unimaginable distance?"

I shot him a sarcastic look. "I'll have you know that my grandmother graduated the top of her class in the navy seals. She has too, been involved in numerous secret raids on Al Quaeda and has over 300 confirmed kills in the process. She can wipe us with precision the likes of which have never been seen on this Earth." I replied, earning a loud laugh from Harry that enfeebled my bones.

He smiled at me, a dimple resurfacing on his cheek. "Tell me more."

"Not only is she extensively trained in unarmed combat but she also has access to the entire arsenal of the US marine corps. You never know, she could be anywhere, anytime and she could kill us in over seven hundred ways and that's just with her bare hands." I explain, with impenetrable confidence.

He gasps and recoils in shock, feigning incredulous surprise. "Oh no, I'm so scared! If only I could have known what unholy retribution my presence was about to bring down upon us."

I sighed, sending him a sarcastic as well as a disapproving shake of the head. "Don't be taken in by this veneer of good nature and kindness, she could easily take you down," I paused to click my tongue on the roof my mouth at the same time I snapped my fingers in the air, "just like this."

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